Forum Discussion

stingray1122's avatar
11 years ago

Who's your least favorite character?

stingray1122 wrote:
This has been discussed before but I don't think there's even been a poll so here we go. If you think I've left someone out let me know and I'll add them to the poll. I will not be including taskless characters. I'll do one for your favorite in a bit. For me it's Arnie. I don't have him in my town. But from clicking on Arnie in neighbors towns and hearing his annoying voice and seeing him do his helicopter task which takes up the whole screen he's really annoying.

Agreed, its Arnie. The most annoying thing when visiting friends that have him.

22 Replies

  • In another thread I said it was Ralphie, but Arnie Pye is definitely worse because he gets in my way in neighbors' towns. (I don't own him myself.)

    Side note: I don't have the Egg Council Guy, either, and he doesn't bother me. But whenever I see him in my friends' towns, I can't resist the impulse to click on him and knock him on his....backside. I just find that sadistically funny. :twisted:
  • My least favorite is Bernice, because she has such a limited amount of tasks, only a 1 hour and 12 hour. I often want to give everybody 2, 4, or 8, hour tasks, but I can't her. She doesn't have any of them. Many other people don't have certain ones either, and that's annoying, but she's more so.