Forum Discussion

LPNintendoITA's avatar
11 years ago




Jingle Bell Wreck Pt. 1
Auto triggers
Task: Build Toy Workshop - $2,000, 12h

Jingle Bell Wreck Pt. 2
Santa triggers
Task: Make Homer Make Sergeant Activity Dolls (4h, Toy Workshop) and Make Lisa Make Musical Instruments (4h, Toy Workshop)

Jingle Bell Wreck Pt. 3
Homer triggers
Task: Place The Elf Cave ($500)

Santa's List Pt. 1
Santa triggers
Task: Complete Santa's Tasks

Jingle Bell Wreck Pt. 4
Homer triggers
Task: Make Homer Get Bossed Around by Elves (12h, Toy Workshop)
After unlocking the four elves, they automatically get to work at the Toy Workshop - they "Make Toys" for 4h

Green is Good. Green Works Pt. 1
After completing Jingle Bell Wreck Pt. 4 and Santa's Tasks Pt. 1:
Task: Make Elves Make Toys (x20) (4h each)

Santa's List Pt. 2
After tapping the back arrow after receiving Green is Good. Green Works Pt. 1
Task: Complete Santa's Tasks

Santa's List Pt. 3

After completing Tunnel 3:
Task: Complete Santa's Tasks

Santa's List Pt. 4

After completing Tunnel 4:
Task: Complete Santa's Tasks

Santa's List Pt. 5

After completing Tunnel 5:
Task: Complete Santa's Tasks

Santa's List Pt. 6

After completing Tunnel 6:
Task: Complete Santa's Tasks

Jingle Bell Wreck Pt. 5
Homer triggers
Task: Make Homer Go on Strike (24h, Toy Workshop)

Jingle Bell Wreck Pt. 6
Lisa triggers
Task: Make Lisa Compile Lists of Naughty and Nice Kids (12h, Toy Workshop)

Green is Good. Green Works Pt. 2
After completing Jingle Bell Wreck Pt. 6:
Task: Make Elves Make Toys (x50) (4h each)

Jingle Bell Wreck Pt. 7
Homer triggers
Task: Build Control Building and Make Homer Do a Plant Shift (16h, Control Building)

Jingle Bell Wreck Pt. 8
Homer triggers
Task: Make Mr. Burns Pay Plant Workers in Candy Canes (12h, Control Building)
Task: Make Homer Get Bossed Around by Elves (12h, Control Building)

Jingle Bell Wreck Pt. 9
Homer triggers
Task: Make Homer Call Homeland Security (1h, Simpson Home)

Pixie Plight
Auto triggers
Task: Send Federal Agents to Other Springfields (x3)

Redirecting Feds
Friend sending Fed triggers
Task: Tap Federal Agents (x3)

Jingle Bell Wreck Pt. 10
Homer triggers
Task: Make Homer Regret his Selfishness (16h, Simpson Home)

Jingle Bell Wreck Pt. 11
Lisa triggers
Task: Make Santa Get Drunk at Moe's (8h, Moe's Tavern)

Jingle Bell Wreck Pt. 12
Homer triggers
Task: Make a Springfielder Make Toys (x10) (4h)
Task: Make Elves Make Toys (x100) (4h each)

Jingle Bell Wreck Pt. 13
Homer triggers
Task: Make Homer Dress as Santa (1h, Simpson Home)

Jingle Bell Wreck Pt. 14
Homer triggers
Task: Make Homer Try to Fly the Sleigh (4h, Toy Work shop)

Jingle Bell Wreck Pt. 15
Lisa triggers
Task: Make Santa Deliver Presents (8h, Toy Work shop)

Continues on Phase 2. Tune up on Christmas Day for the questline!


Frankincense, Myrrh, and Donuts Pt. 1
Apu triggers
Task: Make Apu Hide from his Family (8h, Kwik-E-Mart)

Frankincense, Myrrh, and Donuts Pt. 2
Apu triggers
Task: Make Apu Search for a Christmas Tree (4h, Shop)

Continues on Phase 2. Tune up on Christmas Day for the ending!

Updated daily. Each tunnel unlocks at 8am GMT.

Tunnel 1
Rewards: Homer Fever Snowman, Elf x1
Bonus: Presents x100
Task: Make a Ko ok Check out the Toy Workshop (45s, Toy Workshop) (Krusty, Moleman, Otto, Rodd, Todd, Willie, Kang, Disco Stu, Crazy Cat Lady, Bumblebeeman, Herman, Apu, Ralph, Brandine, Cletus, Yes Guy, Hugs, Kodos, Sea Captain, Shary Bobbins, Frink, Chester Lampwick)
Task: Make a Dimwit Stare at Elves (x2) (5m; 10m in total, Toy Workshop) (Duffman, Otto, Dr. Nick, Barney, Ralph, Lenny, Abe,
Wiggum, Chester, Homer, Cletus, Wolfcastle, Sea Captian, Barbarian)
Task: Make a Youngster Task Inventory (30m, Toy Workshop) (Squeaky Voiced Teen, Sherri & Terri, Martin, Bart, Kearney, Lisa, Ralph, Milhouse, Shauna, Dolph, Rod,Todd, Jimbo, Database, Uter, Hugo, Greta Wolfcastle)
Get it all now! - 8 donuts

Tunnel 2
Rewards: Christmas Brown House/Christmas Burns Manor, Elf x1
Bonus: Presents x100
Task: Make a Saint Try to Convert Elves to the Church (x2) (1h, Toy Workshop) (Maude, Rod, Todd, Ned, Lovejoy, Father Sean)
Task: Send Apu to Make Executive Stress Toys (4h, Toy Workshop)
Task: Make a Glutton Eat an Elf Berry Krusty Burger (60m, Krusty Burger) (Barney, Homer, CBGuy, Wiggum, Quimby, Space Mutant)
Get it all now! - 8 Donuts
If the player already has Christmas Brown House, then the player is awarded Christmas Burns Manor instead.
Apu can now make things at the Toy Workshop.

Tunnel 3
Rewards: Present Depot/Christmas Compound, Elf x1
Bonus: Presents x100
Task: Make Apu Complain about Immigrants (4h, Kwik-E-Mart) (Squeaky Voiced Teen, Sherri & Terri, Martin, Bart, Kearney, Lisa, Ralph, Milhouse, Shauna, Dolph, Rod,Todd, Jimbo, Database, Uter, Hugo, Greta Wolfcastle)
Task: Make a Youngster Trade Presents (x3) (4h, Springfield Elementary)
Task: Make a Youngster Drink an Elf Berry Squishee (x3) (60m, Kwik-E-Mart) (Squeaky Voiced Teen, Sherri & Terri, Martin, Bart, Kearney, Lisa, Ralph, Milhouse, Shauna, Dolph, Rod,Todd, Jimbo, Database, Uter, Hugo, Greta Wolfcastle)
Get it all now! - 14 Donuts
If the player already has Present Depot, then the player is awarded Christmas Compound instead.
Frink can now Make things at the Toy Workshop.

Tunnel 4
Rewards: Christmas Willie's Shack/Elf Home, Elf x1
Bonus: Presents x100
Task: Make Homer Prepare Illegal Immigrant Lodgings (2h, Simpsons Home)
Task: Make Apu Stock up on Candy (2h, Kwik-E-Mart)
Task: Make Lisa Complain About Immigrant Lodgings (2h, Simpsons Home)
Get it all now! - 6 Donuts
If the player already has Christmas Willie's Shack, then the player is awarded Elf Home instead.
Squeaky Voiced Teen can now make things at the Toy Workshop.

Tunnel 5
Rewards: Burns Fever Snowman, Elf x1
Bonus: Presents x100
Task: Make Apu Feed the Octuplets Elf Berry Juice (4h)
Task: Make a High Roller Harass Elves (x3) (4h, Toy Workshop) (Hank Scorpio, Brockman, Fat Tony, Rich Texan,
Mr. Costington, Bernice, Burns, Quimby, Wolfcastle, Roger Myers Jr.)
Task: Make Homer Slack Off (6h, Brown House)
Get it all now! - 12 Donuts

Tunnel 6
Rewards: Christmas Simpsons House/Christmas Wolfecastle's Mansion, Elf x1
Bonus: Presents x100
Task: Make Lisa Lobby Against Child Labor (6h, Simpsons Home)
Task: Make a Youngster Drink an Elf Berry Squishee (x5) (60m, Kwik-E-Mart) (Squeaky Voiced Teen, Sherri & Terri, Martin, Bart, Kearney, Lisa, Ralph, Milhouse, Shauna, Dolph, Rod, Todd, Jimbo, Database, Uter, Hugo, Greta Wolfcastle)
Task: Make Homer Squish Happy Little Elves on his myPad (2h)
Get it all now! - 16 Donuts
If the player already has Christmas Simpsons House, then the player is awarded Christmas Wolfecastle's Mansion instead.
Moleman can now make things at the Toy Workshop.

Tunnel 7
Rewards: Christmas Purple House/Holiday Tree, Elf x1
Bonus: Presents x100
Task: Make a Youngster Pet an Elf (x5) (4h, Toy Workshop) (Squeaky Voiced Teen, Sherri & Terri, Martin, Bart, Kearney, Lisa, Ralph, Milhouse, Shauna, Dolph, Rod,Todd, Jimbo, Database, Uter, Hugo, Greta Wolfcastle)
Task: Make Ned Make Cheery Christmas Sweaters (4h, Toy Workshop)
Task: Make Lisa Make Musical Instruments (4h, Toy Workshop)
Get it all now! - 14 Donuts
If the player already has Christmas Purple House, then the player is awarded Holiday Tree instead.
Ned can now make things at the Toy Workshop. (Unlocks after the 1st job)

Tunnel 8
Rewards: Christmas Van Houten House/Festive Nutcracker, Elf x1
Bonus: Presents x100
Task: Make a Ko ok Check Out the Toy Workshop (x3) (45s, Toy Workshop) (Krusty, Moleman, Otto, Rodd, Todd, Willie, Kang, Disco Stu, Crazy Cat Lady, Bumblebeeman, Herman, Apu, Ralph, Brandine, Cletus, Yes Guy, Hugs, Kodos, Sea Captain, Shary Bobbins, Frink, Chester Lampwick)
Task: Make Ned Pray for Faster Toy Manufacturing (12h, Toy Workshop)
Task: Make a Youngster Trade Presents (x3) (4h, Springfield Elementary) (Squeaky Voiced Teen, Sherri & Terri, Martin, Bart, Kearney, Lisa, Ralph, Milhouse, Shauna, Dolph, Rod,Todd, Jimbo, Database, Uter, Hugo, Greta Wolfcastle)
Get it all now! - 18 Donuts
If the player already has Christmas Van Houten House, then the player is awarded Festive Nutcracker instead.
Barney can now make things at the Toy Workshop.

Tunnel 9
Rewards: Christmas Blue House/Destroyed Holiday Wheel, Elf x1
Bonus: Presents x100
Task: Make Ned Have a Festive Sing Song with the Elves (6h, Toy Workshop)
Task: Make Milhouse Make Dolls (4h, Toy Workshop)
Task: Make a Springfielder Make Toys (x5) (4h, Toy Workshop) (Any Springfielder who has unlocked their job at the Toy Workshop.)
Get it all now! - 16 Donuts
Milhouse can now make things at the Toy Workshop.

Tunnel 10
Rewards: Christmas Pink House/Festive Candycane, Elf x1
Bonus: Presents x100
Task: Make a Glutton Binge on Candy Canes (x3) (6h, Krusty Burger) (Barney, Homer, CBGuy, Wiggum, Quimby, Space Mutant)
Task: Make Apu Stock Up on Candy (4h, Kwik-E-Mart)
Task: Make a Brainiac Research Elves (x3) (4h, Springfield Library) (Hank Scorpio, Martin, Dr. Hibbert, Sideshow Mel, Crazy Cat Lady, Lisa, Skinner, Frink, CBGuy, Database)
Get it all now! - 20 Donuts
If the player already has Christmas Pink House, then the player is awarded Festive Candycane instead.
Hank Scorpio can now make things at the Toy Workshop.

Tunnel 11
Rewards: Festive Fancy Lawn Bell, Elf x1
Bonus: Presents x100
Task: Make Homer Shop at Kwik-E-Mart (60m, Kwik-E-Mart)
Task: Make Willie Make Mini Wheelbarrows (4h, Toy Workshop)
Task: Make Willie Pull Toys Apart With his Bare Hands (8h, Willie's Shack)
Get it all now! - 8 Donuts
Willie can now make things at the Toy Workshop.

Tunnel 12
Rewards: Christmas White House/Festive Lawn Angel, Elf x1
Bonus: Presents x100
Task: Make a Springfielder Make Toys (x7) (4h, Toy Workshop) (Any Springfielder who has unlocked their job at the Toy Workshop.)
Task: Make Lisa Learn Elvish (6h, Toy Workshop)
Task: Make Homer Prepare Illegal Immigrant Lodgings (2h, Simpsons Home)
Get it all now! - 26/20 Donuts
If the player already has Christmas White House, then the player is awarded Festive Lawn Angel instead.
Otto can now make things at the Toy Workshop.

Tunnel 13 (Unlocks at 8am GMT)
Rewards: Christmas Flanders House/Christmas Crazy Cat House, Elf x1
Bonus: Presents x100
Task: Make Bart Play with the Toy He Stole (8h, Bart's Tree House)
Task: Make Bart Make Hover Boards (4h, Toy Workshop)
Task: Make Bart Get a Christmas Laughy Meal Toy (2h, Krusty Burger)
Get it all now! - 8 Donuts
If the player already has Christmas Flanders House, then the player is awarded Christmas Crazy Cat House instead.
Bart can now make things at the Toy Workshop.

Tunnel 14
Rewards: Plow King's Plow/Christmas Skinner House/Festive Hot Drink Stand, Elf x1
Bonus: Presents x100
Task: Make Willie Furnish his Shack with Toys (4h, Willie's Shack)
Task: Make a Youngster Have a Toy Party (x5) (4h, Bart's Tree House) (Squeaky Voiced Teen, Sherri & Terri, Martin, Bart, Kearney, Lisa, Ralph, Milhouse, Shauna, Dolph, Rod,Todd, Jimbo, Database, Uter, Hugo, Greta Wolfcastle)
Task: Call a Fed in Friend's Town (x3) (Friends/Neighbours Town/Other Springfield) (Send 3 Federal Agents to Other Springfields, Requires Pixie Plight completed)
Get it all now! - 18 Donuts
If the player already has Plow King's Plow, then the player is awarded Christmas Skinner House instead. If the player already has both, a Festive Hot Drink Stand is awarded.
Rev. Lovejoy and Marge can now make things at the Toy Workshop.

Tunnel 15
Rewards: Christmas Cletus' Farm/Christmas Wiggum House, Elf x1
Bonus: Presents x100
Task: Make a Springfielder Make Toys (x17) (4h, Toy Workshop) (Any Springfielder who has unlocked their job at the Toy Workshop.)
Task: Make Homer Hoard Toys in the Basement (3h, Simpsons House)
Task: Make Homer Squish Happy Little Elves on his myPad (2h)
Get it all now! - 38 Donuts
If the player already has Christmas Cletus' Farm, then the player is awarded Christmas Wiggum House instead.

Tunnel 16
Rewards: "Christmas" Totem/Christmas Sanjay's House, Elf x1
Bonus: Presents x100
Task: Make a Dimwit Ride the Toy Conveyor Belt (x5) (6h, Toy Workshop) (Duffman, Otto, Dr. Nick, Barney, Ralph, Lenny, Abe,
Wiggum, Chester, Homer, Cletus, Wolfcastle, Sea Captian, Barbarian)
Task: Make Lisa Lobby Against Child Labor (6h, Simpsons House)
Task: Make Lisa Make Snow Angels (6h)
Get it all now! - 28 Donuts
If the player already has "Christmas" Totem, then the player is awarded Christmas Sanjay's House instead.

Tunnel 17
Rewards: Christmas Orange House/Christmas Apu's Apartment, Elf x1
Bonus: Presents x100
Task: Make Youngsters Drink an Elf Berry Squishee (x3) (60m, Kwik-E-Mart) (Squeaky Voiced Teen, Sherri & Terri, Martin, Bart, Kearney, Lisa, Ralph, Milhouse, Shauna, Dolph, Rod,Todd, Jimbo, Database, Uter, Hugo, Greta Wolfcastle)
Task: Make Willie Sweep the Toy Workshop Floor (8h, Toy Workshop)
Task: Make a Ko ok Guzzle Elf Berry Juice in the Canteen (x6) (6h, Toy Workshop) (Krusty, Moleman, Otto, Rodd, Todd, Willie, Kang, Disco Stu, Crazy Cat Lady, Bumblebeeman, Herman, Apu, Ralph, Brandine, Cletus, Yes Guy, Hugs, Kodos, Sea Captain, Shary Bobbins, Frink, Chester Lampwick)
Get it all now! - 48 Donuts
If the player already has Christmas Orange House, then the player is awarded Christmas Apu's Apartment instead.

Tunnel 18
Rewards: Ice God/Christmas Houseboat, Elf x1
Bonus: Presents x100
Task: Make a Springfielder Complain About the Elves (4h, Town Hall) (Barney, Homer, CBGuy, Wiggum, Quimby, Space Mutant)
Task: Make Bart Skateboard (4h)
Task: Make Willie Celebrate the Winter Solstice (8h, Willie's Shack)
Get it all now! - 14 Donuts
If the player already has Ice God, then the player is awarded Christmas Houseboat instead.

Tunnel 19 Final Tunnel!
Rewards: Fever Cabin and Zutroy, Elf x1
Bonus: Presents x100
Task: Make Milhouse Complain to his Parents (4h, Van Houtten House)
Task: Make Apu Feed the Octuplets Elf Berry Juice (4h)
Task: Make a Springfielder Stock Santa's Sleigh (x9) (8h, Toy Workshop)
Get it all now! - 40 Donuts


Christmas Float
Auto triggers
Task: Place the Christmas Float


Frosty the Hitman
Auto triggers
Task: Tap Frosty the Hitman


A Punch Below the Bell
Auto trigger
Task: Place the Toy Workshop Nell
Task: Make Homer Attempt Bell Sabotage Count (4h, Toy Workshop Bell)


This God Brought to You By...
Auto trigger
Task: Reach Level 14 and Build First Church of Springfield
Task: Make First Church of Springfield use the 'Sponsored Church' Facade
Task: Make Homer Worship Billionaires (8h, First Church of Springfield)


Taking the Plunge
Auto trigger
Task: Place the Festive Light Plunger
Task: Plunge the Festive Light Plunger


First Ever Christmas Tree
Auto trigger
Task: Place the First Ever Christmas Tree
Task: Tap the First Ever Christmas Tree


Bad to the Bone
Auto trigger
Task: Tap Bonestorm Santa


Our Home and Nativity Land
Auto trigger
Task: Place the Nativity Scene
Task: Make Homer be Joseph (16h, Nativity Scene)
Task: Make Marge be Mary (16h, Nativity Scene)
Task: Make Lisa be an Angel (16h, Nativity Scene)
Task: Make Bart be Baby Jesus (16h, Nativity Scene)

Ghost of Christmas Past

Auto triggers
Task: Place the Destroyed Holiday Wheel
Task: Tap the Destroyed Holiday Wheel

The Princess Nerd Pt. 1

This quest and the following questline is only available if the player "Use"s Ice Princess Martin from the inventory.

Martin triggers
Task: Make Ice Princess Martin Sing his Cares Away (60m)

The Princess Nerd Pt. 1 (Alternative)

This quest and the following questline is only available if the player "Use"s Ice Princess Martin from the inventory after December 8.

Martin triggers
Task: Make Ice Princess Martin Sing his Cares Away (60m)
On sale at 8am GMT

The Princess Nerd Pt. 2
Martin triggers
Task: Make Ice Princess Martin Show Lisa his Palace (12h, Ice Palace)

The Princess Nerd Pt. 3
Martin triggers
Task: Make Ice Princess Martin Show Off the Sparkles on His Dress (8h, Kwik-E-Mart)

The Princess Nerd Pt. 4
Martin triggers
Task: Make Bart Ostracize Ice Princess Martin (1h, Ice Palace)
Task: Make Milhouse Ostracize Ice Princess Martin (1h, Ice Palace)
Task: Make Ice Princess Martin Sing his Cares Away (1h, Ice Palace)

The Princess Nerd Pt. 5
Martin triggers
Task: Make Ice Princess Martin Host an Ice Palace Play Date (24h, Ice Palace)
Task: Make Bart Play in the Ice Palace (24h, Ice Palace)
Task: Make Milhouse Play in the Ice Palace (24h, Ice Palace)

The Princess Nerd Pt. 6
Lisa triggers
Task: Make Ice Princess Martin Sing his Cares (1h, Ice Palace)
Task: Make Bart Sing his Cares Away (1h, Ice Palace)
Task: Make Milhouse Sing his Cares Away (1h, Ice Palace)

The Princess Nerd Pt. 7
Bart triggers
Task: Make Ice Princess Martin Defend the Palace From Ice Sculptors (8h, Ice Palace)
Task: Make Lisa Defend the Palace From Ice Sculptors (8h, Ice Palace)
Task: Make Bart Defend the Palace From Ice Sculptors (8h, Ice Palace)
Task: Make Milhouse Defend the Palace From Ice Sculptors (8h, Ice Palace)

The Princess Nerd Pt. 8
Lisa triggers
Task: Make Ice Princess Martin Host an Ice Palace Play Date (24h, Ice Palace)
Task: Make Bart Play in the Ice Palace (24h, Ice Palace)
Task: Make Milhouse Play in the Ice Palace (24h, Ice Palace)
Task: Make Lisa Play in the Ice Palace (24h, Ice Palace)


Ice-Cold Hands, Lukewarm Heart Pt. 1
Ned triggers
Task: Make Homer Explore King Winter's Cave (24h, King Winters Cave)

Ice-Cold Hands, Lukewarm Heart Pt. 2
King Winter triggers
Task: Make King Winter Make Cocoa (4h, King Winters Cave)
Task: Make Homer Play Video Games in King Winter's (4h, King Winters Cave)
Task: Make Lisa Play Video Games in King Winter's Cave (4h, King Winters Cave)

Ice-Cold Hands, Lukewarm Heart Pt. 3
King Winter triggers
Task: Make King Winter Annoy Flanders (4h, Flanders Home, Ned)

Ice-Cold Hands, Lukewarm Heart Pt. 4
King Winter triggers
Task: Make King Winter Go on a Date (1h, Gilded Truffle, Miss Hoover)

Ice-Cold Hands, Lukewarm Heart Pt. 5
King Winter triggers
Task: Make King Winter Gnaw on Some Baby Back Ribs (24h)


Who Wants to be a Billionaire Pt. 1
Zutroy triggers
Task: Build Control Building and Make Zutroy Eat a Traditional Ethnic Meal of Cat (1h, Control Building)

Who Wants to be a Billionaire Pt. 2
Zutroy triggers
Task: Make Zutroy Hide From Unsympathetic Springfielders (12h, Large Hedge)

Who Wants to be a Billionaire Pt. 3
Zutroy triggers
Task: Reach Level 13 and Build Android's Dungeon and Make Zutroy Pay Too Much for a Comic Book (8h, Android's Dungeon)

Who Wants to be a Billionaire Pt. 4
Zutroy triggers
Task: Build The Java Server and Make Zutroy Send Money to Nigerian Prince (12h, Java Server)

Who Wants to be a Billionaire Pt. 5
Zutroy triggers
Task: Build Bachelor Arms and Make Zutroy Sign Papers (24h, Bachelor Arms)

Who Wants to be a Billionaire Pt. 6
Zutroy triggers
Task: Make Burns Sell the Plant to Zutroy (16h, Power Plant Lot)
Task: Make Zutroy Be In Charge (16h, Power Plant Lot)

Who Wants to be a Billionaire Pt. 7
Zutroy triggers
Task: Make Zutroy Ship The Nuclear Plant to his Old Country (1d, 12h, Power Plant Lot)

Who Wants to be a Billionaire Pt. 8
Zutroy triggers
Task: Make Zutroy Give All His Money to Charity (45s, Power Plant Lot)
Task: Make Zutroy Siesta (1h, Benches)

96 Replies