GamerGD3 wrote:
DarkSamus75 wrote:
Why does everyone keep saying we got nothing for free with this episode tie-in?
Normally episode tie-ins offer a building, decoration or character. We got exactly 0 of each of those.
While the uncertainty of the crop sticking around is potential as free, I think people are unhappy that we did not get a building, decoration or character. Which is why people are holding out for something on Sunday.
Also, the episode tie-ins are typically exclusive - so an update to the farm would likely be universal for all players starting on Monday and onward.
Finally, while a crop is an added addition (if it does stay), it is very meaningless to us long time players since we are either A) no longer need cash - so not using the farm at all or B) to avoid the daily issue of planting, we prefer corn to daily planting.
What are you kidding, I only got 51,700,000 and have to plant.(you never know how much money you need,goal 100M)
Plus having different plant times gives me varity, and with 3 more plants to come even better.
When someone gives you something do you complain that it's not as good as what you got before, and that your insulted they even tried to make you happy.
Let me put this way, it's not based on what I got before - and I don't get insulted if it doesn't make me happy. However it's a little different tune based on usage of it.
As I said, some players don't utilize the farm - for various reasons. Other players that do, utilize it differently. The most common aspect of it, is to fit one's schedule. So normally one would set all characters/tasks on 8 hours (or any other example). So an addition to the game that won't be utilized is typically unwelcome.
It's like those that won the Plow King skin, but didn't/don't have Barney. It's an un-utilized feature.
It'd be like getting receiving a completely random gift (in terms of one you never asked for/had 0 interest in), but having the realization that you have no need for it. It'd be like receiving a game (insert any console game here) on a different platform (insert any platform, except the one that game's on). Yes it is appreciated and happy you receive said gift - but it's always completely useless to you. You wouldn't complain to the person that gave it to you, but you'd still feel a little hurt that they couldn't get something else (say cash/gift card - or even any game for that platform).