I've played multiple ranked games today where I didn't receive my points.
The points were showing on my summary but weren't added once I went back into the lobby.
[CM - Edited title for clarity]...
Not receiving Ranked Points
Community Manager
7 days agoHey everyone,
We've just pushed a fix that should correct this issue. Please restart and give things another try.
Thanks again for the patience while we were getting this cleared up!
We just pushed an update to fix some matchmaking issues that went live today. The following errors should now be resolved:
-Being unable to leave/join a match
-Not gaining RP after a Ranked match
-Getting the error message "Unable to find party server"
7 days agoNew Spectator
Hello, will I get the points that I'm missed on?
- EA_Mako7 days ago
Community Manager
We're still investigating that portion of the situation, but I'll update the thread once we have any news to share!- ddp22067 days agoNew Spectator
Thanks for the information. Hopefully you'll fix that, because otherwise people would be disappointed.
- Biggingtons6 days agoSeasoned Newcomer
I was thinking the same thing I'm gutted I know it's only 280 pts but I would of been nearly p2 if this didnt happen refusing to play again I spend so much on it just for it to take my points away never again.
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