- EA_AljoCommunity Manager
Hi there. What mode did this happen in? Also, did you completely finish the game or did it end early from someone quitting/disconnecting? Any chance you got a video or screenshot of it?
- xXTailsxNew Rookie
This was in 6v6 EASHL drop ins. I can screen shot the game in my recent games where it shows my stats if that would help? We finished out the game completely but players did quit.
- EA_AljoCommunity Manager
What I would need to see is the end game stats as well as your own stats. That way we can see that you were supposed to receive those stats. Thanks!
- xXTailsxNew Rookie
Not trying to be mean here but it all showed 0 and 0 like I said, even in the end game stats and the recent game stats. What I am saying is I definitely scored more points that game and was not 0 G and 0 A
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