(Critical; severe; serious!) Greatly, no pay to win superbly demanded (Feedback)
Critically; severely; seriously, I and we greatly demand no pay to win in Command & Conquer: Legions superbly, assuredly. Pay to win business is devastating the game. Pay to win is affecting the game unbalanced and worst. Everyone is equal. Everyone must have same game playing experience. For no pay to win. Only cosmetics are allowed on sale. (Feedback, advice, and suggestion)C&C Legions - don't count on my $
Dear EA, Given all the effort taken to ignore the multiple requests to support C&C Rivals mobile game, address the performance issues, bugs, requests for balance, while still monetizing (cashing in) through its in game store, as a customer I won't even watch the Legions trailer. I'm sure hundreds of players will take the same approach, after being left behind by EA support so many times. Tempest Rising is coming out soon, and hopefully puts an end to the miserable job you've done with the C&C Franchise.