What is the best CC free custom world that you have ever played?
I am curious, because I haven't played too many worlds that other people have made and I would really like to try a few more. I would prefer that the world be populated, but if not, no big deal. If it has an official saved game file please let me know. I don't mind if it is populated in that way, however, I would prefer that the lots be included in the map file itself, in case the saved game file doesn't work for me for some strange reason. I would really like to see some beautiful well done CC free world. Things like Rabbit hole rugs count as CC, so please don't mention worlds here that use them. If you really like them, and feel that it's worth it, we can agree to disagree. Please provide a link to the original map file to download, as well as the official saved game file ( if it has one ) along with may be two to three screenshots. I would love to hear about why you like the world so much and everything that the creator did that you really think deserves praise532Views0likes2CommentsValentine Gift Exchange - for Nylabelle (Picture Heavy)
http://saucygander.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/boca13_thumb.jpg?w=590&h=384 Hello, there! Nik asked me to be your replacement admirer. I am so sorry that you were not gifted earlier and do hope that this will not prevent you from joining in on future gift exchange opportunities. Gift exchanges are A LOT of fun and if you are like me, you will "borrow" a few of the other gifts and end up with more than you originally expected :wink: While our paths had not crossed before this gift exchange, I sent a friend request in the hopes that we will get to know one another a little bit better. After reading your letter, I peeked at your page and studio to see if I could learn a little bit more about your likes and dislikes, perhaps even get a sense of how you like to play. The first thing that I immediately noticed is that you are a new member in our community - so WELCOME to the group! I know you are going to LOVE it here!! There is always someone to chat with, contests to enter, and lots of creativity and fun to be found. Your studio contains some lovely Sims and I happily wRECked everything :D Now without further ado I present you with gifts, there happen to be two20Views0likes3CommentsGandalf and a Wizard's Tower
IMPORTANT NOTE: When creating this I put two hidden rooms in; one of which requires a keystone. I clicked the wrong prompt when placing the keystone and it is not found in the lot. So when you get to where you need it, please use the buydebug cheat to acquire it. Thanks and sorry. :oops: I created this for a contest by Seascape http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/599241.page. I wanted to share it with you here. I hope you like it. Lot only; Gandalf's Tower - http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=6512280 Sim only; Gandalf - http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=6512250 Had to use Mediafire for household (sim and lot together); wouldn't upload to Exchange. Household (Lot and Sim): Gandalf's Tower with Gandalf - http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?f44f8jk181zev31 CC-Free Description: Gandalf and Gandalf's Wizard Tower. Gandalf the White is a Wizard in "Lord of the Rings" and leader of the Fellowship of the Ring. The Lot and Tower have everything a world-traveled wizard could want for. Since Gandalf is so secretive and private, his home cannot easily be seen from the street; it is hidden by large trees and guarded by Griffin. However, one cannot help but notice it rising from behind the foliage. If one dares pass by Griffin, one might discover a world of wonder where Gandalf lives. (This lot has a hidden room within a hidden room for adventure! Slideshow: http://s474.photobucket.com/albums/rr109/kinzcommunity/Sims/LOTR%20Contest/?albumview=slideshow Pictures:334Views1like7CommentsThe Suite House
Hello everyone, I'm really nervous about showing my house but here it goes. I am still very new at building houses, so it is not going to be the best thing in the universe. :XD: This is The Suite House, I built it when I bought the Master Suite stuff pack. It has no CC and has 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom. But, it does have some store items. My sim currently lives in this house and everything is working fine. :D I have tried to upload my house to the Exchange 15 times, but it won't show up. So I uploaded it to MediaFire. Here is the download link if you would like to use it. http://www.mediafire.com/?v61oozkibyymy41 Now on with the pictures! :mrgreen: Top View Hot tub Swimming Pool Living Room Kitchen Laundry Room Nursery Bathroom Master Bedroom So, do you like it?It got Featured!!! Lost Hollywood Island (CC Free). Home for the Cliffside lot available.
2-16-11 Got featured today! Woot! First feature ever :mrgreen: http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3631995 That my friends is the link! Hallelujah! 1-22-11 Uploaded a home for the cliffside lot that is across the bridge from the movie theater. There are pictures in my archive thread, or will be soon as I will be working on that after I submit this update ;) The link to the house is at the bottom of the "Suggested Additional Content" section, scroll way down to find it, it's called Endurance. :D Don't forget to Rec! 1-15-11 The launcher is not cooperating, or something is wrong. Not sure which, but I'm getting a system error when I try to upload. The green bar fills to the end, then gives me the red failure circle and says "system error occurred"...I'll get it up as soon as I can, I'm very impatient to share this world that I've been working on for MONTHS and had quite the ordeal with when I was cleaning out the CC, I want to share this now! :x OMG....as I was typing this my most recent attempt w/ the launcher was finishing up, and I got the success icon instead of that maddening red circle. Running off to see if its really true! 1-14-11 In the process of uploading the final version. Look for it tonight (or today...depending on location :P) on the exchange (i hope), or mediafire (if the latter doesn't work out). I'll post the link as soon as I can. Pasted some new links to the "Suggested content" section (scroll down...way down) 12-31-10 Pre-populated version available here in the following thread link, this will also be the official BETA test thread. This version included each of the listed sims found below. Also new pictures on pg 2 http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/0/321749.page#4334483 12-29-10 Prepopulated the world and am trying it out in my own game, will upload a BETA V2 soon for anyone who would be willing to try out the prepopulated version. This version also has a few fixes and additional homes added to fill up some of the hoods more until more donations are made, if ever :)Got a good report so far on the last BETA from AHENRICHS, thanks for your help! 12-27-10 BETA available, click the link below. The world file and all the dl content were scanned with dashboard and pack cleaner, all files should be safe. ;) There are no sims in the world at this time. I am in the process of learning how to pre-populate the world however, so in the near future there will likely be a BETA v2 to test this out and make sure that the sims transfer. Thanks for everyones help so far, I am still taking submissions, if you would like to donate your lot or sims to the world please say so. If you do so after I have uploaded the final version or if I am no longer adding lots or sims to the world to be uploaded with it (Which I still am at this point), I will provide links in this OP under a heading of "additional content" should anyone be interested. http://www.mediafire.com/?4fbo37yqnwb5rvr 12-23-10 Think that I have ironed out most of the major kinks in the world, now I'm looking for an outsider to give it a shot. Anyone? 12-18-10: Finally got time and motivation to download the most recent version of CAW and continue working. In the process of playing the world for a while to see how everything works and looks, found some things to tweak, but the world is basically ready, could use a few more houses, but all the important stuff is there. Once I tweak it a bit to fix somethings that are bothering me and easy fixes I will upload it for a BETA test. Also, new pix on page two, and updated the content list....Turns out I didn't have much to change..:( aw well 10-21-10: This used to be in the title, but I didn't hear back from any of the below...I'm going to take that as a yes! (12-18-10)(attn: Razbrry9875, and histbear) I downloaded content from each of you to use in the world, it would be uploaded with the world when it's done. From Razbrry I got your Halliwell mansion From Histbear, I got your Addams family mansion Please let me know if you object to me using your content. :D 10/21/10 Update: added the new additions to the list of downloads and linked them. Going to go work on a few more community lots today. :D Done with several more community lots! Added pics to page two. All I have left now are a few parks, 2 hangouts, and some fishing spots. Whew! Gimme another day like today and I could have this puppy up and rolling! haha. 9/18/10 Update: Pictures added! The campus and horror district graveyard are complete. 9/14/10 Update: Pictures on Page 2, added Home alone house to list of links and will add to the world. 7/24/10 Update: Last night I downloaded the house of The Texas Chainsaw Murder, and put it in the world, on that note I thought it would be really interesting to put all the horror themed homes and people in a hood of their own. It will be just down the lane from sunny beaches and bright green normalcy as a blighted land with withered and scorched trees and not a blade of grass to be seen. This is where our resident serial killers, vampires, witches/warlocks etc will call home, they will be the proverbial "wrong side of the tracks". I'll try and upload pictures this afternoon after I work on it some more. Pictures on page 2 of this thread Edit: 7/13/10: Build Me Hollywood Baby! The world is going to be called "Lost Hollywood", the Island is themed from TV just like all the houses, and hopefully community locations. And maybe it IS that island, that will be one of the mysteries simmers can explore if they want to. I did see another post about someone making that Island from Lost, thought that was kinda funny, but thinking about it, I bet there are several copies of that Island made into a Sim world by now :D. Anyways, about the lots I need, the choice is pretty much up to you, the builder, I've included some ideas to get your creativity flowing below, but they are by no means definitive. If you want to make a different house, I'm all for it. I'm going to have a lot of lots to fill! Some Guidelines for the Lots: -Must be a house that is featured in a TV series or Movie, can be from the past or present. -Exterior should look as much like the real thing as possible given the games limitations. -Interior is more open to creativity since not all the houses will have available floor plans. If you want to, and can find a floorplan then try to stick to it, that would make the house more authentic. If you cannot or it would just be too big of a bother to look for and follow a floor plan, then design it how you wish, trust me, I'm not going to research all the houses to find out :wink: If you do use a floor plan though, tell me and I'll include that in the details about the lot when I upload the world. -Content can include anything from Base, WA, HELS, and AM. I have all of those as well as a number of store items. Don't worry too much about what I do and don't have from the store, if something is "off" when I check out your house in my game because I don't have something, I'll just replace the missing item with something I have. NO THIRD PARTY CONTENT, I do not download much from third parties, and I will not most likely. Patterns should be okay since I think most patterns transfer with downloads. -Homes should have at least a double bed and a crib as well as all the other necessities so that townies can use them. -Also need community lots for everything from base to ambitions. -Please be sure you don't have the doll or other corrupted content with your lot. -Type a lot description, incl what show its from, who lived/visited there in the show or movie, other details about what happened in that house or lot such as it's haunted, many people have died, the couple raised 7 kids, it was swallowed into a hellmouth... Guidelines for the sims: -No third party CC, custom patterns are okay, store and EP/SP content is okay. -Should be someone from a TV series or Movie past or present, dead or alive, doesn't matter. -Type a bios for your sim on this thread, I will include it with your sim when I put them in the world, I'm somewhat certain that Bios don't transfer with downloads. Even better if you want to make the house and the sim that goes with it :D, but it's not required Any help is greatly appreciated, the links below will be helpful for you builders who need a visual reference, there are many houses featured on them, take your pick. If I get more than one entry for the same house/lot I will post links to each even if I don't use all but one. Credit will be given where it's earned, in the world that I upload, if I use your lot (and I'll try to let you know if I do) I will put your username in the houses description Links: http://www.seeing-stars.com/Locations/index.shtml http://dir.yahoo.com/Entertainment/Movies_and_Film/Trivia/Filming_Locations/?o=a Suggestions to get you started: These should all be on the above websites -The Brady House -Marty's House (Back the future series) -Star Trek Fleet HQ -ET's House (or rather, the adoptive families house) -The "Charmed" house -The "7th Heaven" House (underway) -The "Beverly 90210 Walsh and/or Beach House" -The "Poltergeist" House -The "Psycho" House -The "Halloween" House -The "Amityville Horror" House (This one may not be on the seeing-stars website, but I just thought of it off the top of my head, its a famous house, so shouldn't be too hard to find pictures of it) -The Cullen house from Twilight -Bella's House from Twilight (completed!) Community Lots Ideas: -That coffee shop from Friends -Law and Orders courthouse -CSI, NYPD blue...police station -Norman Bates Hotel (could be a hangout?) -Cemetery from Buffy the Vampire Slayer ...That's all I can think of right now. Download Links For Content Going On the Island -I'll post more links to content as it's added, I did Buffy's house for another simmer so, that's how this all got started. Lots -Buffy's House by Me Unfurnished: http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=2685873 Furnished: http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=2685867 (I couldn't help myself, the furnished version has quite a bit store content, mainly for Willow's room, there is also stuff from WA, AM, and probably HELS) -Texas Chainsaw Massacre House by strelitzia19 http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=2455808 Bella and Charlie Swan and House (home and sims packaged as household)By Ecofriend2 http://www.mediafire.com/?tnp4cozm10u6tat AHENRICHS, the Home Alone House http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3045482 Faerieflower: The Bates Motel and house http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3187919# Addict1220: Mr. Rogers House-Unoccupied http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=555455 Aussiedonna: The Brady Bunch House-unoccupied http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3236669 Razbrry9876-Halliwell Manor-Unoccupied http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=606994 Histbear-Addams Family Home http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=966496 Sims Megan Fox By MacyQueen-will be Mikaela Banes from Transformers in game. http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=2774968# Bella and Charlie Swan and House By Ecofriend2 http://www.mediafire.com/?tnp4cozm10u6tat Addict1220: Mr. Rogers http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=555457 Aussiedonna: The Brady Bunch Family http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3236676 Aussiedonna: Alice, the Brady Bunch's maid http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3236677 Snowmoon: Dexter Morgan http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=464657# Ultimatemetalbane: The "Scooby Gang" (aka, Buffy and friends) http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3140699 serenablondie: Buffy and Angel-Want them, but they won't show up in my game :( http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3358506# Snowmoon: Addams Family http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3554988 razbrry9876: Paige, Piper, and Phoebe Halliwell, Victor Bennet, and Sam Wilder -inlcuded with the Halliwell Manor listed above Projects I'm told are underwayThe Titanic The Cast of the show Bones and the house from Money Pit? 7th Heaven House and cast sans Sam and David The Christmas Story House Suggested Additional Content-The reason it's here is because it has CC that if removed would significantly diminish the idea of the content...make it less "true" or convincing...whatever...it just wouldn't look right without it :) OR it was found after the release of the final version of the world and I thought it would be a good addition to it. Check it out and DL at your own risk :) NONE OF THE FOLLOWING WILL BE INCLUDED WITH THE FINAL COPY OF THE WORLD. Right now the beta has the killers family, but they have a lot of necessary CC, so I'm going to remove them before uploading. southparkgoth666: Killers from movies-Leatherface, Chucky and his bride, Jason, Carrie, Freddy, Samara, Michael http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=1902261 -Found some really great looking simified celebs on MTS, if it's the actor just think if a character name you like from one of their movies and name them that. Since all the current residents are named for their characters...not themselves. :D I have not downloaded these sims myself to see if they work out of the box, or if there is some preparation you must do (for some, there probably is). I just thought they were really good looking! So, again, DL at your own risk. :wink: Totally Awesome Lucy Liu sim http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=417570 Edward Cullen http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=429883 Natalie Portman http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=430028 The Corpse Bride-really interesting in a good way sim. :D http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=423185 Carlisle Cullen-I was stunned by the likeness...wow. http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=422227 Endurace: A home built for the cliffside lot in LHI http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=3665718 You know what, just check out the MTS sims section...there are tons of celeb sims there, and many of them look really awesome! So long as you're not too afraid of CC :wink: Have fun!9.3KViews0likes140CommentsSummer Solstice - updated link to download from mediafire- help still needed
Summer Solstice My latest house was build for TsunamiGirl's WIP world "Empyrean Falls" http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/232682.page Feel free to download if you like it. It is a 30x30 lot , with attached garage, master bedroom with ensuite bathroom, and nursery. It has 3 bedrooms in total (including nursery) and 3 bathrooms. Only custom patterns were used and this store umbrella : http://store.thesims3.com/productDetail.html?productId=OFB-SIM3%3A15774 Other than those it is completly CC free. The file has been scanned with custard prior to uploading and is safe. Walkthrough: http://www.thesims3.com/contentDetail.html?contentId=248462 Link to Download : http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=2907707 <--the site is corrupting the patterns.DO NOT download this one unless u want to look into my issue with custard MediaFire Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?3ca4jj6rjjt9y7r <-- it uploads fine to mediafire SAFE FILE Enjoy :)158Views1like9CommentsPicina Verdia
I'm back again with a new lot and this time it's CC free. Meaning that once the launcher behaves it will be uploaded to the exchange. Picina Verdia has 2 bedrooms, 3 baths, kitchen with dinning area and breackfast nook, garage and study.It's main feature is the wrap around pool that is around the 3 sides of the house. Furnished: 326,841$ Unfurnished:145,465$ The lot is completely CC free. The only content used are patterns and store content. Also used all SPs and EP aavilable at the moment Walkthrough link: http://www.thesims3.com/contentDetail.html?contentId=241748 Since the launcher is not allowing me to upload this, I made the lot available for download in mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/?xxg4ed4scsiqmuo I will update with the exchange link once i manage to upload it.