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Battlefield Game Info Hub


EA_Rtas's avatar
Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
17 days ago

Continuing our small updates to fix issues and add quality of life changes, on Tuesday, February 18th, we’re rolling out Update 8.5.0. Find a list of changes below. //The Battlefield Team


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Loading Screen Improvements

One of the main areas of improvement for Update 8.5 is a visual overhaul of the loading screen for all game modes, now you will be able to see improved descriptions and iconography indicators for the rules of each mode before loading into the match in a much more pleasing and penguin-approved way.

This improvement also extends to Custom Experiences within Battlefield Portal, allowing creators more space for descriptions. Further improvements will be made to this loading screen in a future update too!




  • Fixed overlapping input prompts on the deploy screen.


  • AI soldiers should no longer die out of bounds when fighting in the shipwreck.


  • Added insertion sequence for the UH-60 Black Hawk.
  • Camera transition should now be smoother when switching views in seats while in a vehicle.
  • Fixed a bug where projectiles would despawn when firing from above the air vehicle max height.


  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to purchase the accelerated event pass if all levels were completed before the purchase.


This announcement may change as we listen to community feedback and continue developing and evolving our Live Service & Content. We will always strive to keep our community as informed as possible.

Updated 17 days ago
Version 1.0


  • eightysixed's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    13 days ago

    Haven't been able to play BF2042 since the Windows 11 update.  Cannot log in.  An update announcement means very little to me at present since I CAN'T PLAY THE GAME!!!

  • iigloo's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    13 days ago

    Still FOV-bug, still black screen after round, still crashes to desktop, still flashing server warning icons every evening after 22:30, still pushed back to exodus when starting a round, still audio issues (random muffled sounds from gun, silent vehicles etc), still netcode issues, still so de-synced that you get shoot behind corners, still random roblox-graphics on Manifest, still ammo re-supply issue at Manifest, still reloading the same map with the same players when a new match is starts, still cheaters etc etc etc

    Do you at EA and Dice even read the forum anymore? Even reflect that people still have the same issues, bugs and errors that has been going on for months and years? Do you even care?

    You just push totally nonsens out in the new patches. You have totally wrong focus if you wanna keep your player base.

    How much longer do you think you can push this? 

    I dare you to answer.

  • iigloo's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    13 days ago

    Great graphics on a AAA game. You should be proud

  • iigloo's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    10 days ago

    As i suspected. No one from EA or Dice has replied. The game is dead.