Blog Post
All I’d like to know is if the BF team looked at IR on vehicles at all and made any changes. In BF4, vehicles were a pain to fight or just hide from cause they could spot you easily. You did give us the one thermal camo towards the end of content support, and personally, it made a difference. A friend and I were hoping that maybe you guys were looking at a gadget or specialist who countered IR. My friend would like it removed. Id be fine with thermal camo as an option in our gadget or grenade slot. If it was built into the camos, I figured it would be the must have equip. Everyone would have it on. As a gadget or the like, youd have to choose to either be less likely to be spotted at the cost of your tactical or rpg.
Again just wanted to maybe find out if you guys looked at this at all. Thank you for reading.
- 4 years ago@Lil_Mega_Ras Fun fact: IR does not work during the day because the soil would be too hot from the sun and everything would look white. IR only works at night. That's one thing DICE got wrong in BF4. That's why IR is too OP, because it's unrealistic.
- 4 years ago@vash98mm Faxxxx. I sorta knew that. But I enjoyed the game too much to care. Hopefully DICE realizes this and needs it to all hell. Make the ground and everything just as bright. Boom, EZ fix.