Blog Post
These specialists seems really weird and unnecessary, preset, predefined characters in non-story multiplayer game? Why?
No one has ever had an issue with just being a random soldier, this isn't Rainbow Six, and we don't need to be some legendary hero character either.
And we can customize the appearance.. how does that even work when you play as a specific person? I'm some dude name Webster but I can customize the way he looks, the weapon he carries and everything except the gadget? What's the point of having this whole character exist?
Also how do we have 'more flexibility than ever before, when it comes to specialists' when it locks stuff behind that specific character.. or name.. or whatever empty shell it represents?
And with only 10 specialists and 128 players are we going to see a clone army with a dozen of each character, or probably 60-70 of a specific character as one will end up being outright the better choice so we have 70 Maria's, that probably force players to play as a female character as well?
If you already add in the ability to customize, which I assume is limited to a camo, why not allow players to just create their own soldier, with their own appearance and whatever, rather than this weird misplaced system?