Blog Post
4 years ago
@GeneralGrievous7 I hope they do or remove them. If they were in the game as purely cosmetic like Elites or some of the other soldier like in BFV I would not really complain. The fact they they are now tied to specific gadgets and monetized is a real problem to me and many others. It really adds nothing to the game or gameplay. It just incentivizes people to spend money on a newly created revenue stream. #PILFERFIELD 2042
4 years ago
@SICIOUS I didn't really agree with you in the topic of the weather in your post but i do agree here. If they were just cosmetics, grounded and kind of realistic cosmetics. I don't want to see a clown or Rambo running around the map. It would be nice. For what i know the Battle Pass only gives cosmetics? But if you needed to pay the battle pass to get some specific Specialists that would basically lock people away of using them and their gadgets unless they pay. And in the case the gadgets were op it would be lowkey like For Honor pay the battle pass to get the strongest character in the game and ez.
- 4 years ago@UndoneInternet Hey!! 😢