Blog Post
Just a thought off the back of the interview - I can see people putting C4 onto drones and flying it up and into situations..... how awesome that would be.
Meet 'Henry' .
He's my Support Soldier in BFV , with a knack for Flak Gun AAing .
Just a regular Soldier is Henry , but for this one small difference :
He uses the available guns-take-longer-to-overheat special feature .
It's a nice perk with the M1919 but it's a definite must-have when on SAA's .
This leaves him as a (so-so) Support Soldier-with-perk if he shows up at the Front .
But it (and skill) also turns him into a 'Specialist' if he happens to sit in that AA seat .
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Henry's toast - I just switched the character model over to 'Julie' .
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Meet 'Julie' .
She's my . . .
ahhhh you know the rest .
Nothing else changed .