Blog Post
A few things I mentioned in previous posts but this looks like the correct place to post -
A way to disable cosmetics: at some point, there will be a cosmetic/skin that some feel is too obtrusive, so adding a disable cosmetics option to play "more realistically" would be greatly appreciated
A satisfying but not brutal unlock/achievement mechanic: BFV's 4 tiers for weapons and 4-6 for vehicles did not keep me coming back, especially when the tank and airplane dog tags were 600 kills combined, However, Hardlines 1250 kills to unlock weapon licenses seems to be a bit overkill. Having something to work toward without it being so difficult to be demotivating.
Plus system animations: apparently one can do a caliber change without changing any parts? I'm not sure if I'm in the minority here but I cringed when I saw the magnified optic switch to an RDS as if by magic. Maybe after selecting changes, the player then goes into a state where they can move but are going through the sight swap/flashlight attachment/etc. animation. This way there's more at stake when deciding to swap parts, meaning one can't quick-swap to the best kit instantly in any scenario
Finally a return of the hardline Tazer and a Boston Dynamics killer-doggo skin 🙂 JKJK BFH T62 = OP