Blog Post
4 years ago
@Straatford87 Only 4 categories for weapon customization seems a bit of a step back from BFV? In BFV there was at least 7. Doesn't seem to feel like lots of customization for your weapon. Not very impressed at all.
4 years agoSeasoned Ace
@MarcosEMR1 wrote:
@Straatford87Only 4 categories for weapon customization seems a bit of a step back from BFV? In BFV there was at least 7. Doesn't seem to feel like lots of customization for your weapon. Not very impressed at all.
What? What game were you playing? No way were there 7, unless you count the ability to make your muzzle, stock etc look mouldy. Cosmetics don't count. Had no impact on the handling of the weapon whatsoever. Personally I'll be glad not to see players with gold filigree guns running around, even if it made them easier to see! That's not what Battlefield was ever about before BF1. After BF1 and BFV I think we've picked up a whole generation of players who think Battlefield is an expansion pack for the SIMS