Blog Post
I saw Nothing in the Trailer that Indicated we would have LAND AIR AND "SEA" COMBAT. LIKE WHERE THE HELL IS THE ATTACK BOATS> ??? Or any sort of NAVAL Combat. This Should of been Expanded Upon Moving Forward into the Future Setting. I really Truly Hope Attack Boats Come back as well as what was Featured in Battlefield 4 obviously More modern Though. This was really Missing From Battlefield 5 and battlefield 1 didn't really have much of it either. Please Make sure the Focus is on Land Air and Sea Combat as this is a Staple in the Battlefield FORMULA. RUSH definitely Needs to Happen For Classic game modes. Please Stick to the Battlefield 3/4 Formula or at least Give us a BattleHub experience that Gives players Those Experiences. Also, I truly hope that The sniping is More like Battlefield 3's. Love the Time it took to land Shots with Projectiles, Battlefield hardline, and bf1 kinda Ruined Sniping. it was just no fun. every sniper gun was like a Lazer Beam since bf1. Oh and Great job so far on the game, here's hoping that this isn't the last Battlefield I Play EVER. This is kind of it DICE/EA for me. until I learn more on the Game. Battlefield 3 was a Major Mile Stone and Were Hoping we see something similar with the Frostbite Engine the Trailer has yet to show that.