Blog Post
I'm all for specialists but... I forsee some serious balancing and changes to your lineup. You have 2 intel gathering specialists 1 is clearly superior(wall hacks). You have 2 medics and again imo 1 is clearly superior(quick revive and armor plates for friendlies). I guess we will have to wait and see but your wall hack specialist will be the #1 unless you nerf her.
Alot of the other changes are great and glad to see them. Hope weapon customization is equal to or bigger than bf4.
You need a reload animation after changing in the plus menu otherwise certain weapons become broken. Lmg reload speed is almost instant. Plus with macros on pc it will break it even more. You need some sort of delay. IMO an animation for every attachment is overkill but you need to do something.
IMO with specialists. I think you should add another gadget slot or give the ability to remove an ability to substitute a 2nd gadget. This would allow greater freedom and make specialists feel unique. Maybe even allow your specialist to have no abilities and have 3 gadgets. Just a thought that I dont think would be hard to implement but I could be wrong about that.
As for everyone looking the same I think people need to chill. You already know there are going to be in game skins and you already know there are atleast 4 in game right now based off just the preorders. Yes everyone looks the same in the beta but I dont think that will be a problem at launch or shortly after launch. I do think not being able to customize individual parts of the body is kinda stale and elite skins are a all or nothing package is kinda lame too but everyone will not look the same shortly after launch.