Blog Post
I read this blog post looking specifically for a fix for this issue: turning left and right while applying throttle doesn't work with the Legacy thumbstick mapping on controller input. I created a video explaining what's happening. It's a big problem because it's not possible to drive a vehicle with Legacy stick mapping, full stop.
In the Legacy stick mapping, the left stick has move forward/backward, and turn left/right. However using this Legacy mapping (it's the only stick layout I've used in the last 20 years), turning the vehicle left/right while applying throttle (gas) causes the vehicle to disengage the throttle. This happens 100% of the time without fail. It means I can either drive straight forward, or straight backward, but the instant I try to turn the vehicle (in Legacy stick mapping), the game thinks I'm no longer pressing the gas pedal. It's worth mentioning Legacy stick mapping works perfectly fine elsewhere in the game with no issues that I'd found. Just can't turn any vehicle at all and keep the gas pedal down.
Everything else looked pretty cool, but if this isn't fixed before launch it'll mean vehicle driving of any kind is effectively off-limits to Legacy stick players. Video was taken with a 4K phone camera, so it will be best viewed from a cellphone, you'll be able to see the video in perfect fullscreen from your phone.
My biggest issue is you still didn't address how we can visually see what each player is carrying as their gadget. That needs to be addressed. Without that it hurts the game.
Also Paik... It's not released yet and needs a rework. In no way it's a specialist with complete wall hacks a good idea...EVER!