Blog Post
4 years ago
@Straatford87 In all honesty it feels like this battlefield is another Call of duty. The loyal battlefield fans dont want specialists, we want regular grunts pounding the ground. Leave the special characters and fancy outfits out of the game. We dont need a "lighting fix" to make enemies more visible, thats what makes battlefield BATTLEFIELD. The uniforms camouflage the enemy, call of duty purposely does the same.... You guys are removing the staples of what we have come to love about battlefield and hate about call of duty. We dont want another COD, we dont want out of body experiences when knifing someone..... A lot of your loyal fanbase is highly disappointed with the direction this is going, and if you continue to just worry about making money and not what your fans want. Sales will dip and we will find another game to play. Its hard seeing an amazing franchise start to copy what other titles are doing. I guess we will be playing battlefield 4 for a few more years