Blog Post
I appreciate addressing some, not all, of the issues. It's obvious EA has cherry picked the issues to communicate. I have bought every Battlefield game, save 2142, since 1942. The Specialists system is awful. The characters are cringe worthy and seeing these cartoons fighting along side you and against you is ridiculous. The great lengths EA has decided to pursue to fix how players see the enemy is a sign of how dumb this is. EA is literally compensating for one poor decision (same specialists for both factions) by making another poor decision making it stupid easy and annoying to ID enemies.
I'll repeat this again, the grappling hook is lame. BF is like the Fast and the Furious franchise. It started off grounded on a level of reality and then graduated to human breaking stunts that even Thor would wake up sore with. With so much emerging military technology that could have been incorporated in this game it is a shame the developers (or their masters) decided that Fortnite and R6 Siege was a better inspiration for their game than Jane's or The Drive.
I pre-ordered this game, but I'm seriously considering cancelling until I see how this game fairs after launch. 90% of my hope is in Portal. I smartly waited to buy Battlefield V too. It was decent after launch.
I know some of you don't mind the specialists and I respect that. You won't when it either hits your wallet or your gameplay experience though. Ubisoft suckers its customers in, but they do a decent job supporting their games. EA is obsessed with finding ways to get your money while doing the very minimum. Just look at Madden since MUT was introduced. If EA wants my money, I'm willing to give it to them for a finished and polished product their loyal customers want. It is the same reason I waited for Madden 22 to release its Scouting Update before buying. I'm done with empty promises. EA needs to focus on their long time customers first. The money will come if they do that. Instead we get lazy gimmicks that are copy and paste, except many times worse than the product they are copying.
- 4 years ago@2Timothy3 So true. EA is a cancer in the industry.