Blog Post
With Battlefield 2042 launching in just under 2 Weeks, I think it's time DICE/EA announce the Official Server Regions for all 3 of the 'experiences'(All-out Warfare, Hazard Zone and Portal) in Battlefield 2042. We need to know with clarity!
I just saw some information on r/Battlefield2042 saying that certain regions won't be able to host Portal servers. These excluded regions included Africa.
I played the beta for over 20 hours, matchmaking put me in full 64vs64 South Africa servers with good latency half the time, except for when it put me on 400 ping servers.
My point being, if it's true that I'll only be able to play 1 or 2 of the experiences with playable latency then I shouldn't be paying full price for this game.
Playing with high latency from the African continent is not playable and voids EA's Positive Play Charter.
Considering the game is multiplayer only, the possibility of not having proper servers would be a travesty. DICE/EA must clear up this grey area! Dataminers, Leakers and Content Creators should not be our primary source of information regarding Battlefield 2042!