Blog Post
Console - Mouse & Keyboard Support
We’ve heard your questions about mouse and keyboard support for consoles. We can confirm that we won’t be supporting this on consoles at the launch of Battlefield 2042, but we are still investigating the various options about making that available, and how it may impact cross-play. If that ever changes, you’ll hear it from us first
That's great. Then if it ever changes you'll hear from me because only then I'll buy the game.
Oh, and stop lying and hiding behind the word "investigation".
A BF Veteran
The Rhodian speaks the truth. sinse when has anyone wanted to use a mouse and keyboard on a console?
- 4 years ago@extinguisher123 I would assume that anyone with experience playing on a PC, and since consoles are now cheaper than one basic PC component with equivalent performance I suspect that there will be more and more such players. I for one cannot stand using controller for most games, Kb&M is just superior in pretty much every aspect except for a few very niche genres when it becomes comparable or marginally better.
- 4 years ago
So you think your superior gaming technology will save you. I use PS5 and yesterday I took down an attack chopper with a knife!
Soon you will experience the full power of this fully operational PlayStation five.
- 4 years ago
Please give us mouse & keyboard support. I can't afford a gaming pc at the current prices
- 4 years ago
Exactly! And not letting us to play with KBM is a sort of implicit admission of it's superiority. But everyone would have the option so that is not a problem. CODs are working great with KBM and crossplay for long now...
- 4 years ago
Do not mention that game here Rhodian. its blasphemy
you'd be lucky to use mouse and key bored on a console at this late stage of the games development as the console version was never designed to run mouse and key bored.
I understand what your saying those. you feel like the game should run these because other games do. making you feel like the programming is rigid or out dated.