Blog Post
The Rhodian speaks the truth. sinse when has anyone wanted to use a mouse and keyboard on a console?
- 4 years ago
So you think your superior gaming technology will save you. I use PS5 and yesterday I took down an attack chopper with a knife!
Soon you will experience the full power of this fully operational PlayStation five.
- 4 years ago
Please give us mouse & keyboard support. I can't afford a gaming pc at the current prices
- 4 years ago
Exactly! And not letting us to play with KBM is a sort of implicit admission of it's superiority. But everyone would have the option so that is not a problem. CODs are working great with KBM and crossplay for long now...
- 4 years ago
Do not mention that game here Rhodian. its blasphemy
you'd be lucky to use mouse and key bored on a console at this late stage of the games development as the console version was never designed to run mouse and key bored.
I understand what your saying those. you feel like the game should run these because other games do. making you feel like the programming is rigid or out dated.