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The Journey of Battlefield 2042 Continues

EA_Vendcera's avatar
Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
7 months ago

Hello there,

We recently gave you an update on what to expect for the future of Battlefield 2042, and our transition away from regular Seasons. Now that we're nearing the end of Season 7, we’re back with a brief overview on what's next.

Support for Battlefield 2042 will continue with regular game, balance, and Quality of Life updates, Portal highlights, and Friday Night Battlefield experiences. But today, we’re also here to tell you about new ways for you to play, through Vault Drops and events.

Events - New and Returning

Through our seven Seasons, we’ve seen you enjoy our events, such as the Arkangel Directive and fan-favorite mode Control. So we’ll be bringing them back as we rotate through past events, alongside returning rewards for those who missed them.

This will start with the return of Leviathan Rising, later in July.

We’re also going to be bringing new events to Battlefield 2042, over 4 weeks, with new ways to play, progression via an event pass*, with free and premium tiers, new cosmetics, and more. This first new event will be playable this coming Halloween period - stay tuned for more details.

Vault Drops

Vault Drops will be multi-week moments for you to unlock content in All-Out Warfare.

You’ve seen us bring Battlefield Portal weapons across for use in All-Out Warfare. But we’ve heard you also want us to start doing that with vehicles…

Vault Drops will start later in the year with a vehicle from Portal that we know you’ll be excited to get your hands on.

These events will allow you to both try, and unlock the new hardware. Depending on the piece of hardware, it will come with Mastery, Attachments and Universal skins, and with additional balance changes to ensure their gameplay matches the existing All-Out Warfare roster. 

Community Calendar

Our Community Calendar will continue to receive updates showcasing all of the weekly playlists and featured experiences that you can expect to play throughout the months ahead.

We’ll be evolving it to include details on upcoming game updates, weekly missions, and new cosmetic bundles. And of course, we look forward to seeing you for more awesome Friday Night Battlefield sessions, where you can expect prime and chaotic Battlefield gameplay every week.

We hope that this gives you a better understanding of what's next for Battlefield 2042. Thank you for playing, and we'll see you on the Battlefield!

//The Battlefield 2042 team

This announcement may change as we listen to community feedback and continue developing and evolving our Live Service & Content. We will always strive to keep our community as informed as possible.

*Free Event Pass content requires gameplay to unlock. Premium content requires Premium Event Pass (sold separately) and gameplay to unlock.

Published 7 months ago
Version 1.0


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  • Feature requests.

    Stop base campers

    Base campers are unfun to deal with in conquest.
    I recommend a out of bounds timer is added. Such as one or two minutes upon spawning.
    If they try to re-enter base after leaving it will be the standard 10 seconds.
    Of course this would be paused when the team has no flags available.

    Lacking Attachments

    The weapons added from BF3 and BC have limited attachments compared to the standard 2042 weapons.
    Please revise and add more.

    All maps in rotation

    Please don't rotate the maps out, keep them all available.
    Players like variety and I don't know why this is a thing for 128 conquest for example.


    Squad order timers sometimes don't recognise that a order has been placed and continues to swap squad leader.

    Hovercraft can get stuck on side of cliffs if partially upside down.

    Compliments for anticheat.

    I am extremely glad that the anticheat is very effective now. I rarely see hackers.
    Adding the anticheat to previous titles is great also.

  • Wait , I just notice that the Dead Space skin sold is a limited time event too ?

  • @EA_Vendcera Ooooooooo vault vehicles. Nice!

    Really pleased that Weekly Missions seem to be continuing as well as I really enjoy doing them (mostly hahaha).

    Glad I saved some boins for the event pass as well.