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F1® 24 PATCH NOTES (V1.17)

EA_Vendcera's avatar
Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
2 months ago

Session result exporting on PC arrives alongside some tweaks and bug fixes

With Season 5 well underway, EA SPORTS™ F1® 24’s most recent patch offers a handful of bug fixes and tweaks across all platforms.



The v1.17 patch for F1® 24 begins rolling out at 11am UTC on February 3rd, 2025. Please ensure your device is connected to the internet in order to receive the update. 

Here’s a list of everything that’s been updated in this latest patch:

v1.17 Patch Notes

  • Awarded Level 50 Podium Pass Customisation items to players for whom they were not previously unlocked correctly in Seasons 1, 2, & 3

In a handful of rare instances, players that reached Level 50 in the Podium Pass didn’t receive the correct rewards for Seasons 1, 2, and 3. For those affected, these items will be distributed via in-game mail starting February 4th following the online services update.

  • Added the ability to export session results for certain multiplayer modes (PC only)

This additional feature adds an Export Session Results option on the race results screen in Multiplayer Grand Prix and Leagues. When selected, this exports a .csv file into your F1 24 Folder in My Games. This file contains all the information from the Results screen along with all Incidents and Pit Stops which took place during the race for players and AI.

Additionally, a new option has been added to the Legal and Privacy menu in Settings in the Main Menu. Here you can turn “Show Name in Export Session Results” On or Off to decide whether to allow your Username to be seen by other players when they export session results.

  • Fixed an issue which was preventing the player's number from appearing on the Hethel Classic Livery 2024 and Grove Classic Livery 2024.
  • Fixed an issue which was preventing sponsor decals from appearing on a driver's suit after they'd been applied to their vehicle.
  • Fixed an issue where sponsors would not appear on the winner's racesuit on the Multiplayer Race Results screen
  • Fixed an issue in the Graphics Setting Menu which could cause a crash for some users when rapidly changing TAA modes (PC only)
  • Fixed a rare crash for some VR users when using a Flashback or exiting Instant Replay mode (PC only)
  • Various UI improvements


Thank you to all the drivers around the world who have made their voices heard, contributing to making F1® 24 the best experience for all players. 

The development team will continue to refine the game based on the feedback shared by the community. 

If you would like to track what bugs and issues are being worked on next, please visit the new-look EA Forums, where the regular Community Raised Issues thread will be shared. This thread will be regularly updated as issues are investigated by the team.

To keep up to date on all the latest F1® 24 news, be sure to follow the game across social media. Links to these profiles and other useful information can be found here.

Published 2 months ago
Version 1.0


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  • Would be nice to export a .csv not only for PC user… if it cannot be saved directly in the console (maybe it can?) through the cloud instead, I guess a way could be found… 🤔

  • So my game has been broken since July, controller vibration just doesn't work. Making the actual game part of this game completely unplayable. I made a big report and that's been completely ignored.

    But now after this update. It is not accepting any button inputs. I am stuck on the splash screen. Now the game is completely unplayable. It's not even a game anymore it's a screensaver. 

    I know no one looks at the bug reports and no one will read this comment either. But I would like it known that I do not appreciate buying a game only for it to broken later, and then turned into a screensaver. Some people might be into that, not me.

  • aagancia's avatar
    Rising Traveler
    29 days ago

    random crashes in triple screen seem to have been fixed. Just played one 100% race. Hope it really did get fixed.

  • This update brings back the infamous smoke bug in multiplayer games. This already happened with 1.14 patch, you had to release the 1.15 only to fix the smoke problem.. and now with 1.17 we have the smoke problem AGAIN. What the.. ??? Please fix asap, multiplayer is broken again because of this bug