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The 12 Days of Simsmas: Day 11

EA_Cade's avatar
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3 months ago

Simsmas Traditions

I'm gonna keep it real with y'all, I just straight up made up the word Simsmas, so what Simsmas looks like to me is probably completely different than what it looks like to you. 

So, for our penultimate event I want to know what YOUR Simsmas looks like. What are your Simsmas traditions? Who's showing up? What are you doing? Why are you removing the ladder from that pool?


Updated 4 months ago
Version 1.0


  • Decorating the tree..

    Eating, having good time...

    Dreaming that all present are full of chewing toys!

    Mmm.. maybe not all..

    Hopefully having that White Simsmas. ..🎼

  • rosemow's avatar
    3 months ago

    They are lovely photos of your sims celebrating Simsmas 🙂 Mopsi is cute in his festive outfit! The snowy Wintery photo is very nice with the white Christmas tree in the foreground. It looks like they had a lovely and special Simsmas meal together, eating delicious food and chatting.

  • monjr8302's avatar
    Rising Veteran
    3 months ago

    Decorate the tree as a family

    Eat dinner as a family

    Playing in the snow together

  • rosemow's avatar
    3 months ago

    They are lovely photos of your sims celebrating Simsmas together 🙂It is very nice that they wore matching festive outfits as they enjoyed family time by decorating the tree together. It is lovely that they enjoyed a festive meal together and spent time in the snow. They all look like they had a great time together.

  • Usually my simsmas consists of dressing festive,

    decorating the house for the season

    doing some cozy holiday activities of choice

    and paying visit to fellow souls in the universe

    + apparently always being late to post about it 😂
    like last year, I was so late that I totally forgot to tell you about my sinsmas, 
    I mean simsmas presents.

    Ah yes, no one shall ever know about what happened with Bubalus I gave this lovely cheerful family

    No it definitely was not My First Pet Stuff that took place there

    No, I definitely did not orphan those poor kids just to test the new death type

    Ah, dang it okay I did, but I made the remaining sims immune as follow up present 😅

    Not helping? uh how about we just focus on the fireworks 😅

    and their new cool lightsabers?

    I'll try to be less evil this year 😇

  • rosemow's avatar
    3 months ago

    It is a sweet photo of Simmingal and her cat with the decorated tree 🙂 It is great that they enjoyed doing some jigsaws during Simsmas. It is special that they remembered sims that had passed away by visiting the graveyard.