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[DU] Can't get the invitation to trigger for the secret society...
My sim makes a high quality offering to their academic statue, goes home, and at night goes to sleep. Between 1am-3am two sims show up on the lot in regular clothes, not robes. When I hover over them it says 'secret society member'. All they do is come inside, one goes on the computer, the other opens the fridge, then they both leave immediately after. I have no mods or cc, I ran the game repair, it still doesn't work. I've also tried doing it on different sim days and every time the same sequence happens. other relevant sim/game info: This sim is attending Britechester, in the Language and Literature distinguished degree, a member of the soccer team, and a spell caster. Edit By Crinrict: Added Tag to Title.Cantrell: The Early Years, Part SIX
Life Moves in Circles, a Cantrell: The Early Years, Part Six Update Erik came back into the house. He placed the newly collected eggs into the fridge and then listened hard. Is that somebody at the front door? He walked through the entrance hall and heard it again. Pulling open the door, he was surprised to see a small girl standing on his front stoop. “Hello, may I help you?” he asked. “My Daddy died,” she began to sob. “It was just him and me. Mommy died in a car crash when I was just a baby.” “Oh, honey, I’m so sorry to hear that. Does anybody know you’re over here?” “I told them I was going over to see you. That you lived right here in New Henford.” “What do you want me to do for you?” “I’m being adopted out.” At first Erik thought she was asking him to adopt her, then she said, “Can I have your autograph before I have to go? That way I can remember I used to live near you.” “I’m so sorry you have to leave, but I’ll tell you what. It’s really going to be okay. Come here,” Erik said, giving the child a warm hug. “Bad things happen in life sometimes. You just hang onto all those great memories you have of your daddy, focus on those.” “And of course you can have my autograph, it would be my pleasure, what’s your name?” “Margaret,” she said. “To my good neighbor, Margaret, love Erik.” He said as he wrote. “There you go, how’s that?” “Ah, super thank you, you’re the best!” Handing back the signed photo, he reached down and shook her hand. “Take care, Margaret. I’m so happy we met.” Going back inside, Erik found Kayleigh upstairs feeding Jamison. He stood and watched for a moment. “My schedule appears to be free for now. How about if I give him his bath,” he offered. “Oh, would you? I think Andrew has blown out his shorts.” “I don’t envy you that. Come on, ‘Tigger’, let’s get you bathed. Lighten Mama’s load a bit.” After giving Jamison his bath, Erik took a moment to line up a sitter. “Hayleigh, are you and Regina free tonight? About five-thirty? Yeah, we have the big screen upstairs. You can watch the Show from there. Thanks. Sitters are lined up,” he told Kayleigh. “Oh, that’s right, tonight’s the night, isn’t it? I’ve been so focused on Christmas, I all but forgot.” *~~*~~*~~*~~* “Andrew doesn’t at all like pumpkin, but he does like rice porridge, you can give him that. Jamison isn’t sitting quite yet, so he gets a bottle,” Erik instructed on their way out of the door. “Well, Jamison, you’re like your Mama, aren’t you. Late bloomer,” Regina said, holding him out from her as she spoke. Then she cuddled him into herself. “Break a leg, Erik, and you two have some fun.” Beaming into the front lot of the PBP Studios Lounge, they stood amidst the others gathering for the event. “Kayleigh, Mom’s here,” Erik said as he walked off to greet Louise. “Mom, so good to see you,” Shortly thereafter, the group made their way up to the third-floor studio for the awards show. Holding her hand as they sat in chairs, Kayleigh gazed over at her husband, “You’re hands are a bit clammy. Why are you so nervous? You’ve been here before.” “It was an experiment. The whole album. I think I may have gone off of the rails with it a bit.” “Nonsense, it’s beautiful. I think it’s your best one, yet. Oh, and there’s the music.” “And yes, it’s that time," the Host sad, rubbing his hands together. “For bringing such aural beauty to the ears of Sims around the world . . .Tonight, is the Big One, folks. The fourth. Tonight we recognize the Album of the Year. Voters are expected to consider the quality and artistry of the collection of tracks as a whole which distinguishes it from record of the year, which is a single track. It also honors artistic achievement, technical proficiency and overall excellence in the recording industry, without regard to album sales, or chart position. Tonight is special, as we sit on the precipice of a possible Clean Sweep. I can’t believe my hands are shaking,” the Host admitted. He tore at the envelope with a vengeance until the paper gave way and the card inside was freed. He read it quickly. “Ladies and Gentlemen, please recognize the Beethoven of our time. . . Erik Cantrell for his second Clean Sweep of his incredible career! His latest Album, Collision is truly a work of art. Come on up, Erik, I can’t think of another more deserving artist.” Erik took the stage and leaned into the microphone to say, “I can; Arthemise Grover, Amy Henderson, Tyler Brickyard, Xavier Holland, all very fine artists in their own right. I couldn’t have been in better company. Please join me in applause. Each are truly gifted.” Leading the way, Erik’s clapping brought the audience along. Their applause. generous. Erik stood holding the heavy Starlight Accolade and smiled as he dipped his head downward. “I have a bit of a confession to make. I got busted a few years back. Yes, working on the very sound greatly acclaimed by the Academy on this album. You may recall Collision, the title song. That was my trial balloon, if you will.” Erik shook his head and grinned. “I have since learned to never work on my music out on the balcony overlooking the ocean on a too warm summer night. It was three am. While it didn’t sound that loud to me,” Erik used his hand to illustrate as if going over and under the waves, “Apparently sound travels in the dead of night, filling up the void. Amazing. As for the sound of it, who knew then what I had just stumbled across? “The magistrate I went before seemed to take no interest as he all but threw the Book at me. I was effectively disturbing the peace. Gratefully, it only cost me a fine and a huge bruise to my ego. Oh, well Life does take us into various circles to shake us up a bit. It’s all good. But you can bet I will never, never, ever work outside again. Despite the heat. I have learned my lesson." With this, the audience laughed. “I would like to thank the Academy for the votes. My gratitude to my entire crew over at Taygeta Studios. Ryan Ricks, my record producer, you’re the best. Toby Gleason, my recording engineer. Likewise. Michael Perry and Richard Foreman who expertly oversee the mixing. This is Team Erik for which I so appreciate their combining of talents to help me achieve my recording goals. Couldn’t do it without you guys. Thank you so much. Please give a hand to these guys, who have been with me from the very beginning.” “Don’t mind me, I’m the father of twin boys. My dear wife and I have all but forgotten what sleep is. And this whole honor is a tad overwhelming, to say the least. So, if you’ll forgive me, we need to leave and rescue the Aunties who are bravely sitting for us. Thank you again.” “Goodnight, Everybody.” All for now, thanks for reading!21Views4likes8CommentsInfinite loading screen when placing lots with Horse Ranch expansion installed
When placing lots from the gallery (both while loaded onto the lot or from the world map) or saving the game while in Build/Buy mode can frequently cause an infinite loading screen when the Horse Ranch expansion pack is installed. This issue doesn't occur immediately, and only occurs after placing around 4 to 5 lots (at least for me). This has occurred both with mods installed (MCC and UI Cheats) and on an unmodded fresh vanilla save. Repairing the game also did not fix the issue. I own all of the packs, but I am 100% confident that Horse Ranch is responsible for this bug. This issue only started occurring after installing the Horse Ranch expansion and disabling it in advanced start options in the EA App solved the issue.In defense of NordHaven
There are some simmers who seem upset that the world is European and want an African world. I am not against wanting more non-western or European worlds. I also not against simmers who requested it.I feel like a few things get overlooked. The world is diverse. The last four worlds that were Sims 4 are as well. As in, they are worlds that we never have represented in Sims 4. Evan the American world ChestnutRidge was base on Arizona and a representative of a ranch culuture. That was not shown in Sims 4 before. The European worlds were based in Romania and the newer one is Nordhaven is base on Sweden.I think one thing that gets over look .Is that United States and Europe are big places.That has a lot places that underepersentated as well. Non-western worlds take time and effort.I feel like this gets overlook.But the sims team has to make sure to represent a world properly.They have to pick a pack that can fit that setting and won't overshadow the world.That also have gameplay and settings that represent the world properly. They have to do extensive reaseach.Especially if the continent and country is far way.That has different culuture.428Views9likes15Comments[ARCHIVED] [PS4] Scrolling too fast randomly
Product: The Sims 4 Platform:Sony Playstation 4 Which language are you playing the game in? English How often does the bug occur? Often (50% - 99%) What is your current game version number? 1.14 What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? The Sims 4 Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? When looking at items in build mode or when scrolling though the pause menu, the scroll speed suddenly - out of nowhere - goes really fast, even though i have not changed the speed settings. What happens when the bug occurs? When looking at items in build mode or when scrolling though the pause menu, the scroll speed suddenly - out of nowhere - goes really fast, even though i have not changed the speed settings. What do you expect to see? Scrolling speed chosen. Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Never used. Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? No When looking at items in build mode or when scrolling though the pause menu, the scroll speed suddenly - out of nowhere - goes really fast, even though i have not changed the speed settings. Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted TagSolved31KViews18likes82Comments[PS] Scrolling too fast randomly
This issue has been happening since I purchased the game and seems to come and go. Lately, it's been every time I play and completely game-breaking, making me want to throw my console into traffic. This issue was also never resolved but archived. Re: [NEEDS SAVES] [PS4] Scrolling too fast randomly | EA Forums - 11316342 I've done two screen recordings of the issue. Nothing but closing and restarting the game fixes it now. In the first video, I'm trying to select the fencing I want. I close out of the color selection to demonstrate that it happens even when trying to select a fence. Managing to click on the one I want (through luck) I now want the pink color. Same thing: just keep gently moving and as little as possible until I land on it by pure luck. This happens no matter where I am in the game, regardless of menu, and it happens with the D pad and joystick on the PS controller. The second video demonstrates that it happens on other menus as well. I am just trying to exit to the menu, not save. Eventually, I give up and save & exit because that's the only option I can land on to get me back to the main menu. Going back to the main menu has sometimes resolved the issue in the past, but not lately - it was still happening there. It makes doing simple tasks like selecting dialogue for my Sim a major annoyance and more complicated tasks such as building anything an absolute nightmare. It happens the most in Build Mode, so this is my nightmare. I have no mods. Purely vanilla game with only a few expansions. But this has been happening since I only had the main game and no expansions whatsoever, so I know it's not an expansion issue. Yes, I've done the basics. Cleared space. Made sure the game is up to date. My system is also always up to date. Yes, I checked anyway. Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title fit migrated bug report Archived thread had around 168 me toos Generally bugs still open in the archive do not need to be re-reported unless you have new info.