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Tiberium Alliances Game Info Hub

C&C Forums Closure Announcement

EA_Vendcera's avatar
Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
12 months ago
Hey everyone!

We have an important announcement to make regarding the forums. Over the past many years the Command & Conquer Forums have been the place to talk about the game, Tips & Guides posts, find news, provide feedback, and much more.

After careful consideration, we have made the decision to close the Command & Conquer Forums on December 6th December 13th, and move the community over to the Answers HQ forums. This move is aimed at providing you with a more seamless and engaging environment to connect, share, and collaborate with fellow players and the EA Community team.

What’s happening next?

November 6th
On November 6th, the forums will be locked and placed in Read-only mode until they are sunset. EA will eventually migrate the posts and replies from C&C Vanilla Forums to AHQ. If you’ve posted on C&C Vanilla Forums and you do not have an AHQ account, it’s recommended that you set up an AHQ account with the same email you used on Vanilla Forums so that we can properly identify the original author for these migrated posts. We do not have a solidified timeline for migrating the forum's content, so if you would like to copy and paste any guides or content over to AHQ, feel free to do so.

December 6th December 13th
On December 6th December 13th (due to some delays), the forums will be permanently closed and will no longer be accessible. Anyone trying to access the C&C Forums using the URL will be redirected to the C&C section on Answers HQ.

Our AHQ forums are reachable HERE.

For any questions or concerns related to forum privacy. Please see our privacy policy here.

Thank you for being a part of our incredible community. We look forward to welcoming you to Answers HQ and continuing our engagement with you there.

- Your EA Community Team!
Published 12 months ago
Version 1.0
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