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Solved: PTE – We Need Your Help – Bug Finders Wanted – "Stuck in Attack"

EE_kalyn's avatar
Icon for Envision Team rankEnvision Team
5 months ago

Can you help us solve this issue?

Hello PTE-Testers!

As you might know we are currently trying to find the cause for the "stuck in attack" bug. Now we are asking for your help!

We need more people to try and reproduce the bug on the PTE Server and report the details back to us.

What we know so far about how the bug occurs:

a) move the base to a camp or an outpost
b) this (can) cause the game to crash
c) after this the same camp or outpost is attacked
d) the camp / outpost is stuck in attack

Note: this does not always have to be the case. It might be another camp / outpost that is being attacked or there might be no crash at all.

If you want to help us investigate this issue do the following:

  • move around the world in your sector
  • look out for rogue camps or outposts
  • attack them
  • if the bug occurred, report it to us in this thread

Please include the following details in your bug report:

  • Time stamp
  • Name of your base
  • Category of target (camp or outpost)
  • Coordinates of target

Thank you for your participation!

We hope that we can find the root of this issue with combined forces and be free of it at last.^^

Kalyn (Envision Entertainment Dev Team)


Updated 4 months ago
Version 3.0


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  • I received this report from nefrontheone in-game on the PTE;

    "Hi gamer!

    Let me see if I can summarize it a lot.

    It has happened to me in this PTE, in the previous restart and also in this one that if I am launching an attack and I go to another tab or browser, when I return after a long time the attack on the camp or base is still in progress and I can't do anything until I reload the game tab.
    At that point the problem is solved.

    But I think that is not the fault of a base being constantly blocked even when reloading the game, right?"

    It may or may not be the same issue.

  • ggrube's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    5 months ago

    Well... I did not move any of my bases. :P
    They are in the same place for really long time. 
    So, another thing caused the bug to my 2 bases ;P

  • Mais alguém também possui bases presas em "ataque em progresso" que impedem essas bases de realizar novos ataques, se realocar e até mesmo realizar a realocação do jogador pelo Mundo 9 Brasil ?

     Eu possuo várias bases nessa situação simultaneamente, alguém pode me ajudar?


  • Alguém mais também tem bases presas em "ataque em andamento" que impedem essas bases de realizar novos ataques, realocar e até mesmo realocar o jogador para o Mundo 9 Brasil?

    Tenho várias bases nesta situação simultaneamente, alguém pode me ajudar?

  • EE_kalyn's avatar
    Icon for Envision Team rankEnvision Team
    5 months ago

    Santista38 Yes, a lot of people have the same problem. This is why we, the developers, are currently trying to solve it. It is not as easy as we thought, however, this is why we were asking for Screenshots and more information underneath this post. Also this forum's language is currently in English only, so please try and write in English if you can. Thanks!

    Sim, muitas pessoas têm o mesmo problema. É por isso que nós, os criadores, estamos atualmente a tentar resolvê-lo. Não é tão fácil como pensávamos, no entanto, é por isso que pedimos capturas de ecrã e mais informações por baixo deste post. Além disso, o idioma deste fórum é atualmente apenas o inglês, por isso, se puderes, tenta falar em inglês. Obrigado!

  • ggrube's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    5 months ago

    estou com o mesmo problema faz 2 meses...
    Ia fazer um último ataque na fortaleza, mas sem poder atacar fica dificil

  • natBornKil's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    4 months ago

    Now it is a good opportunity to stop buying funds and play this game! More then 1 month with bases with "attack under progress" is insane! 



  • Hello Commanders,

    We are happy to announce, that the "stuck in attack" bug has been solved!

    Thanks to everyone who supported us and helped to solve this problem. With your help we were able to retrace the steps and eliminate the bug! All affected worlds were restarted and the bug should not occur anymore.

    See you on the battlefield, Commanders!

    Kalyn (Envision Entertainment Dev Team)