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Tiberium Alliances Game Info Hub

The Team on the Forums - Who is Who...

FatherJackHacke's avatar
9 years ago
Hey everyone,

a few of you have asked for clearer visibility on who is active in the moderation team. This and the fact that I've already been around a few days without a proper intro leads me to believe it's time for an updated role call.

So let’s start with my intro:

My name is Chris, going by the handle of ph03n1ks - as you can see -, and I am EA's Global Community & Marketing Manager on Tiberium Alliances. Meaning I am both scanning the forums / talking to you guys as well as talking to the Team at Envision on a daily basis - on everything what's going on in the game, on the forums and beyond to make sure that you guys have the smoothest game experience possible and that we have your concerns on our radar.

As for my credentials, I've been with EA, Command and Conquer and Tiberium Alliances for three years now, working in different roles and playing the game all the time =)

So you'll see me drop into threads and sending PMs from time to time here - besides interacting with you guys, I am also taking care of Marketing on EA's side, so bear with me if it takes me another day to react to any questions or inquiries you might have from time to time.

So feel free to shoot me any questions you guys might have - especially on the topics covered in the role call that follows. The list below is to give you all a clear picture of who's doing what - so you know who is probably to respond the quickest on any given matter.

Heads up before we dive into the list:

As always, no one - repeat NO ONE - on the team can fix / make your technical or account / billing problems vanish just like that. If you have technical problems or an account / billing problem, please contact EA Customer Service at as a first step.

If you don't, we'll just sent you right back to it until you do ;-)



Contact if you want to...
... ask questions regarding in-game features
... be inquisitive about future development plans

Community Managers:


Contact if you want to...
... ask questions regarding in-game features,
... flag any issues with the Website, Billing or Customer Support,
... report any user related issues like abusive behavior, violations of Terms of Service and Forum Rules etc.



Contact if you want to...
... report any user related issues like abusive behavior, violations of Terms of Service and Forum Rules etc.

I hope this clears up some discussions. Any questions? Shoot!

Published 9 years ago
Version 1.0


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  • As noted in a post elsewhere, some of the staff have rotated out and even some that are not named have been and gone in the time since this forum was set up.

    The moderation team however continue to live, work and breath to keep you happy!

    Current staff have posted and as they have changed in the 13 months it is probably best to work out for yourselves who is current. Look for who is currently responding to posts and making announcements about new worlds with the title 'Community Manager' or 'EA staff'.

    If there is any doubt about whether someone is a member of staff or moderator then post in the forum or message all the moderation team as listed above.
  • @Elephterion is the only current member of staff that regularly responds to posts.

    @enigm and @Pitchforka keep a watching brief but do not generally respond to posts.

    I'm not sure of their exact roles within Envision, but these are the only 3 members of staff that are current and post on occasion.
  • Updated on 29th April 2023:
    As suggested:

    - EA Community Manager
    @Pitchforka keeps a watching brief but does not generally respond to posts.

    - Developers/Staff (Envision - Game development)
    @EE_kalyn has taken over the role of EE_Elphterion who has moved on to other projects. @EE_kalyn will have a similar role on here and will be posting the official responses to queries and issues.
    @EE_Elephterion is the only current member of staff that regularly responds to posts.
    @enigm keeps a watching brief but does not generally respond to posts.

    - Support Staff (EA - Funds service development)

    - Moderators (independent of EA and EE)