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Tiberium Alliances Game Info Hub

Tiberium Alliances World Championship 2023 starts November 30th!

EE_kalyn's avatar
Icon for Envision Team rankEnvision Team
12 months ago
Hey Commander,

It is time for a new World Championship, are you ready? Here is all you need to know!

World Championship – World Setup

  • 5000 players
  • Fixed starting layout for the first base
  • Open only to players that completed the endgame at least once
  • NO Forgotten Attacks, active morale malus
  • Max player level is 65
  • Double amount of POI
  • No Repair Time Bundles for sale

The WCS 2023 will launch on November 30th, 16:00 UTC.

World Championship – Layout

Now it is your turn! You will be able to choose the starting layout for this year’s WCS!
Vote for your favorite layout by liking the respective screenshot. The layout with the most likes wins!

The voting ends on 24th October 2023.

World Championship – Prizes

1st alliance to complete the endgame receives:

  • 100 € worth funds package
  • A digital copy of an EA developed game of your choice (PC only)
  • Custom WCS 2023 Badge

2nd alliance to complete the endgame receives:

  • 50 € worth funds package
  • Custom WCS 2023 Badge

3rd alliance to complete the endgame receives:

  • 30 € worth funds package
  • Custom WCS 2023 Badge

Prizes are granted per alliance member.

We are looking forward to a fierce competition and wish all commanders the best of luck and success. May the best alliance win!


Voting has now officially ended! The final scores are:

  • 156 (Layout 1)
  • 94 (Layout 2)
  • 8 (Layout 3)

Layout 1 has won! Thanks for voting!
We will share some more info about the WCS soon. Stay tuned! :)

Published 12 months ago
Version 1.0
  • Layout 1
  • Layout 2
  • Layout 3
  • WCS 2023 FAQ

    What kind of malus settings are there?

    • The same setting will be used as on other worlds with morale (e.g. Tiberian 60).

    How high will the highest POIs / Guardian Bases be?

    • Guardian bases will have level 45, POIs a maximum of level 42.

    How big will the world be?

    • The world will be 660x660 squares, so the center will be at 330:330

    Will another POI be dedicated to the winning alliance?

    • Yes, it will be the Uranium Compound.

    We are looking forward to a fierce competition! :)