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NBA live 15 Free throw problem
Having problems in gameplay almost every game. I am playing rising stars and every time a foul happens I worry its going to freeze like it does just about every game. Its not that the game itself freezes, its just that the ball never goes to the free throw shooter and it just has the guy stand there waiting for a ball that never comes. I like nba live more than 2k but having this problem is happening just about every game and I am forced to quit the game and start over. It is getting ridiculous.Anonymous11 years ago20KViews22likes129CommentsNBA live 19 companion app not available???
Ok so know I’m late on the jump, but I just got nba live 19. I scanned the QR code to get the companion app to scan my face. When I followed the link to the App Store it said the app is not available in my region or country. Im in US! I double-checked my Apple ID to make sure it had me in the United States which it does. What do I do? I can’t even view the app.Solved89KViews16likes16CommentsError Code : NBA-DCFEA
So playing the Live 18 and anytime I go to open a crate and buy one I get this code and I have to log back in to S.A.. I can play online but I can't get any of the rewards because I get lagged of the EA at the end of the game even tho I win the game????SolvedAnonymous8 years ago8.4KViews16likes38CommentsTraits stuck on Rank 2
Product: NBA LIVE 18 Platform:Microsoft XBOX One Which version? Full Game Which feature / component / location in game are you experiencing issues with? The One: Career Mode How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? By making a player and getting to level 60 and seeing that your traits are stuck at Level 2 What happens when the bug occurs? After every game it shows all the traits in rank 3 but in the menu the trait(s) is still at Rank 2 What should be happening instead? I should have a gold rank 3 level trait How severe is the bug? B - Major Nba Live 18 Traits Stuck at rank 2Anonymous8 years ago9.7KViews14likes19CommentsUnable to sign in to EA server
Hi, I'm facing connectivity issue I can't sign in to EA servers. It kept telling me to go to site. I have tried logging in to EA online account and it looks fine from web browser. Apart from that, my internet connection is working fine. I'm not sure what's wrong.Anonymous8 years ago73KViews14likes11CommentsTrait Progression Problem
I'm having a major issue with my traits. My 3pt Shooting trait has been stuck at silver and has been stuck at 37/100 for awhile. I know I have got more than 100 threes already, but it doesn't seem to progress. Please fix this issue.Anonymous8 years ago5.9KViews13likes22CommentsTrait Progress and upgrading
I have been having issues with traits upgrading, several traits say that all of the tasks have been completed and the next level of the trait is progressing yet I don't actually have the trait... Also the traits reset after every single game going back to what they were before that game. I have seen and heard several people having the same issue and posting this issue yet nothing has been said or done about it from anyone at EA. I'm going pre order either NBA Live or 2k18 based on this issue if its fixed ill get Live if not im getting 2K18. The whole point of the game is progressing for attributes and traits. Would be like never getting a badge of any kind in 2K.5.7KViews12likes11CommentsNBA Live 18 the one Alternate Jersey selection
Add jersey selection to The One game mode. Having only two options of jerseys to pick from in the career becomes repetitive. It would add a freshness to the mode to be able to select jerseys prior to going into a new game.Anonymous8 years ago6.2KViews10likes5CommentsI can not unlock 3rd trait slot. It unlocks at level 21. I am at level 43.
Product: NBA LIVE 18 Platform:Sony Playstation 4 Which version? Full Game Which feature / component / location in game are you experiencing issues with? The ONE career mode, How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I am not sure. I can not unlock 3rd trait slot. It unlocks at level 21. I am at level 43 and it is still locked. I have not been able to apply a 3rd trait. I feel that I have put in too much time to unlock all of the traits I have just to start over! I have contacted (case number 33181347) they forward my concern to their Studio. The representative stated our Studio will contact you directly (via email) and it will come with a resolution with it . This was on 9/16/2017 around 12:30am. What happens when the bug occurs? I can not apply a third trait. What should be happening instead? I should be able to apply 3 traits at level 21. How severe is the bug? B - Major Product: NBA LIVE 18 Platform:Sony Playstation 4 Which version? Full Game Which feature / component / location in game are you experiencing issues with? The ONE career mode, How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I am not sure. I can not unlock 3rd trait slot. It unlocks at level 21. I am at level 43 and it is still locked. I have not been able to apply a 3rd trait. I feel that I have put in too much time to unlock all of the traits I have just to start over! I have contacted (case number 33181347) they forward my concern to their Studio. The representative stated our Studio will contact you directly (via email) and it will come with a resolution with it . This was on 9/16/2017 around 12:30am. What happens when the bug occurs? I can not apply a third trait. What should be happening instead? I should be able to apply 3 traits at level 21. How severe is the bug? B - Major SolvedAnonymous8 years ago12KViews9likes37CommentsNo PC version? You kidding me EA?
How is it possible that EA decided to pull this trick with gamers seriously? There's PC version of Fifa and not for NBA? What? Are you telling me there are so little PC nba fans? How many of us grew up playing NBA live on PC before 2K came along with a better alternative. You want to take market share away from 2K yet you alienate your PC fans way to go EA. I was intrigued by "The One" mode but with no way to purchase this on PC. I'm bringing my money back to 2K.Solved45KViews9likes21Comments- Anonymous8 years ago55KViews7likes81Comments
NBA Street 4 for PS4 and XBOX 1
NBA Street 4 for PS4 and XBOX 1 Hello EA, please read this. This may be a topic you at EA hear a lot about, but that is probably because of how good a game NBA Street 2, and even Street Homecourt were. Making a new updated version of NBA Street, probably name it NBA Street 4, or something more creative, would be great. First off, it is an iconic game of the ps2, and there is a large market of people who would buy it, just the other day my friends and I were talking about how great a game NBA Street vol 2 was. Obviously the NBA 2k series has hurt revenue from the NBA Live franchise, and I would say that 2k and Live are equal, even though I have 2k. Making a new Street game would help boost revenue of the basketball department, and would take away from 2k players, who many of would only buy one basketball game, and with the right advertising, NBA Street 4 would be a smash hit. The game would need only a few updates, such as graphics, and update the NBA teams and stars, and all that, but the game would almost be best if the format is untouched. What would make potential buyers even more interested is keeping this legendary soundtrack and putting it in the NBA Street 4 game, or at least make it a great soundtrack, and T.R.O.Y. would be a must have opening song. That song reminds so many people of great memories playing this game. Also, with only minor updates needed, that would allow time to do something that would put this game over the top, a super online mode, where you can do leagues with your friends, and everyone control a player, sort of like the park in th NBA 2k franchise, only this would be actually fun and a smash hit. EA hasn't let out a soley fun game in a long time, and this would also help the growing idea that the image of EA is a giant corporation soley interested in money and doesn't care about players interests. I'm not saying that's true at all or that is a bad thing, because it's not like your company is a non-profit charity, but there are famous youtubers even talking about their hatred of EA, especially in FIFA. In conclusion, this game should help your revenue and image, and hurt the NBA 2k franchise's revenue, but most importantly it's a good idea for a game that has been long overdue in a remake.Anonymous10 years ago38KViews6likes7CommentsTraits progress not unlocking NBA LIVE 18
Playing nba live 18 i have encountered a trait issue with the superstart trait not unlocking qhen objectives have been met. Ive recycled my power and modem and even deleted my gamertag to see if it would fix it and it doesnt attatched below is a pic of the problem i have ebcountered please fix this asap this gane is better than 2k but 2k never had badg problems6.5KViews6likes24CommentsTraits don't progress
Product: NBA LIVE 18 Platform:Sony Playstation 4 Which version? Full Game Which feature / component / location in game are you experiencing issues with? Traits don't progress How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? After a game no matter league or streets, on the objectives tab. What happens when the bug occurs? All traits are shown as max level. No progression in the details. What should be happening instead? Traits should progress depending on the stats I got in the game. How severe is the bug? C - Medium Only on one of my four characters2KViews6likes2CommentsMissing content in nba live 19
In nba live 19 their is no way to unlock influencer, professor, bone collector and Kareem biggums moves because they are only from live events. Those moves r the best dribble moves in the game and make it much more fun to play. All the other live events are permanently added, so those should be aswell. Just add them permanently like the others so the game can be more fun for anyone picking the game up or currently playing.4.9KViews5likes2Comments