Forum Discussion
You are correct sir. I have good enough sense to know how to create a product for the end user to enjoy.
While you all are arguing about "rage quitters" and squabbling back and forth, I have shown what the problem and gave a proper logical solution.
If someone gets mad and quits in a game. Let them. I don't want to play with them anyways.
There is a reason why the felt the need to give the user the option to leave a match. Adding this system in such a wrong mannor has heavily crippled the game in the worst way possible.
If you don't want people quitting in the match then don't give it as a option. Don't add the option then lock people out for using it. This game will not last till December if this system is not changed from it's current state. But you go ahead and enjoy your phone that locks you out for sending a text message. I have plenty of other games I enjoy playing.
"If someone gets mad and quits in a game. Let them."
Nobody stops you from leaving. Just accept punishment.
This game NEEDS penalty.
If you disagree:
1) you are one of these who rage-quit
2) you don't play with randoms and you don't see real situation
in any case your opinion has no value.
- 6 years ago
@SlivPTSThis current system is not the way to do it. It is no different than being locked out of playing by using the same legend 3 times in a row, or using a certain weapon. The leave game option is there for a reason. If they didn't want people to leave, the option shouldn't be there in the first place. Doing that is only a matter of adding one if conditional into the code. Not even a 5 minute job to do.
Such a penalty system would be applicable for those who use INT commands (pc) or soft/hard resets of the device used for game play. - 6 years ago@cufe_haco I feel you think it's such an easy job to just go in and add new stuff without tampering with other things or thinking about how it could be abused...
There's no penatly in casual so idk why players who tend to rage quit after dying right away just play there. Ranked is meant to show how good you are and if you leave the game early, you just loose RP and won't rank up.
I don't see the issue in simply playing casual and leaving every game there until you learn to stay put until your banner is gray. - 6 years ago
@iBlockHeadIt is a easy job. I am a professional programmer. To modify the leave game menu for ranked to only show up when the banner times out is litterally 4-8 lines of code depending on the language used (more than likely they are using C or C++)
They have been working on this bass ackwards penalty system sence the release, and with it causing chaos in a pre mature release in the 1.1.1 patch. The system is still broken and causing issues.
A hacker can abuse it very easily... And normal players can abuse it too. All you need is a mic, a blow horn, and a well timed blast in a middle of a fire fight. Either they quit or die in the match. All In all, this implementation is poor judgement in a development and end user side. - 6 years ago
In other words, in the time for a Dev to read this, the time to write a if statment to alter the availability of the leave game option (6-8 lines of code) or disable it completely (one line of code) they can release a patch within the hour and have the whole damn thing resolved.
- 6 years ago@cufe_haco
Punishment for leaving game is one thing, but removing button to quit game is nonsense.
In what area you are programmer? 100% not in game dev... - 6 years ago@SlivPTS Now you are bass ackwards. And yes I program in game dev. I do it all. The code for moving a model in a virtual space is no different than moving a object in the physical world in automations. The only difference is well, what your writing the code to control.
Modifying the leave game option to only be available at banner time out is viable option and sound for ranked play. This means you can only leave when you cannot respawn back into the game. This has no bearing with the core engine itself, only modifying a menu option availability. - 6 years ago@cufe_haco
game developer would never suggest such absurd idea.
can you give me link to your portfolio? I assume "professional" programmer in game dev should have list of released games. - 6 years ago@cufe_haco
next time don't call yourself "professional" programmer, if you have nothing to show. I only found your github page and i don't see anything related to games. - 6 years ago@cufe_haco
why do you act so strange? being game developer is not illegal, or something you should be shamed for. You can even give me links to your games in private message (if you don't want to write here in public). - 6 years ago
@cufe_haco So what's your portfolio of games that you have worked on? I take it those communities have never complained about your product then as it's oh so perfect and easy to accomplish?
The leaver penalty is a good thing. It's only in ranked. In ranked you commit to a team for ranking. I'm glad they have implemented this. The amount of complaints proves how many people were ruining it for others.
Don't like it? Don't play ranked.
Now, that portfolio?
- 6 years ago
@Silz616there's this legal thing called a non disclosure agreement. Unless you are a reswpawn or EA rep wanting to hire me, then it cannot be released.
I can however, say that I was a beta tester for Microsoft and Xbox . Most everything they build has a code name like project Long Horn(early stage Vista). My job was to break and pen test different products, find the sloppy code that causes bugs, and write cleaner code for the devs of the product to implement before public beta. I specialize in handycap accessability, and core mechanical coding.
When making a product like a video game, you will have on average 4-6 programmers in each department. Let's stick into core mechanical programming (game engine source code).
No two programmers will ever code the same way, so it's the head Dev's job to make sure that all code is as close as possible and clean to ensure proper response from the product.
The game engine is the core code of how the game operates. The second layer of code is the I/O(input output). This code is what allows the user to input a signal from a device (like a mouse or controller) and outputs a command (like moving your character forward). The menu UI(user interface) is a separate independent function of the I/o code level, However it's works the same way. Instead of moving around in a world map, you are selecting commands to execute. The third level is the menu and world GUI implement. This is what creates the graphical menus and displays the world of the game correctly. The game engine's job, is to look for feedback from the I/O level and produces the correct output for the input.
This is why they can build, modify, or completely change the game without having to rewrite the core engine. They can add new legends, weapons, maps, and event modes because they are all independent objects the the engine runs.
Fun fact, the beam rifle works on old FPS principals, like golden eye and doom. Those early games didn't have a independent bullet object, but used a laser beam. Whatever that beam hit when the input was processed, got hit. This means thatother game objects and weather variables couldn't block that hit. Now days, bullets are independent objects that can be affected by other game objects, like other players jumping in front of it, gravity, wind, etc. This is why the charge rifle (is a beam rifle) hits instantaneous and can be shot from one end of the map to the other. Of course they did some modifications to it, but that's how it works. - 6 years ago
Just chipping in here. I like the leave penalty but why isn't it applied to standard games. People keep dying and quitting instantly and winning solo is difficult even when your servers are running well.
Also is there an issue at the moment where your games don't end properly? Sometimes I grey out but the fast option to leave isn't there, so I have to leave the game manually via the start button.
- 6 years ago
Understanding this is important because now you know how hackers cheat the game system. The "hacks or cheats" are modified source code that is injected via a patch on the user device. Knowing how the object structures are built, one can completely change how the game operates under it's own dynamics. You can enter code where the cross hairs always fall on another player without user input by using that code for the user input. If a hacker got ahold of the abandon penalty code, they can completely destroy the game by injecting a patch that would activate it by other game conditions such as picking a legend, button presses, or even picking up items in game.
This is why this system is dangerous. It can be useful to combat hackers, or people who restart thier machine to exit games, .etc. however, binding it to a menu option doesn't only take away from the user experience, but makes the whole system extremely vulnerable.
- 6 years ago
NDA for life? :D you want to say that NDA applys even after game was released? in NDA is said that you can't tell anyone title of the game? dude, on which planet you live? :D"Beta tester" who fixes bugs?Dude you are god of bullshitism :D
- 6 years ago@Silz616 I don't think it's only in ranked. I had it yesterday in a normal match.
- 6 years ago
If you are ok with the penalty I guessed you don't play with randoms enough to see how they are really creative to play alone in a team based game or you like to camp to earn ranked points hiding!
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