im ALMOST with you. bug issues aside, i would like to see them give wattson at least 2 ultimate pylons. would like them to fix wraiths timer for her tactical to become active, take pathfinders stupid debuff away (one of the biggest characters in the game still), give lifelines ultimate a small chance for legendaries again, caustics ult. should explode into a sphere not a damn circle, and for the love of all that is holy make bangalores ultimate other than a damn smoke screen with a .025% hit rate. just the legends need to be changed imo for the most part. i honestly think the biggest change to the legends is a ful revamp of abilities. everyone should have a set that is to their role... EX. the "dps" legends should all have offensive abilities, tanks defensives.... having wraith abilities not do damage for a DPS legend, and then making them take forever to use is just they have pathfinder setup as a healer and "forward scout"... just need a revamp.