5 years ago
How come that...
...People almost always jump into busy areas? (and die, obviously) ...(my) People never stick together? (and die, obviously) ...My bullets pretty much always miss despite my crosshair being flextap...
1) Some people play Apex Legends like its Team Deathmatch or a FFA. The reality is that positioning and intelligent decision-making mean far more than skillful aiming. Of course mechanical skills -- such as aiming -- are important; we all innately know that. But the cerebral aspects of playing a BR will outweigh raw mechanical skill more often... and in an "overall" sense.
Your teammates who rush into highly populated areas in order to farm kills have put their sense of strategy on the backburner, and prefer to lead with their ego instead of their experience and intelligence. The only downside of them dying early 9 out of 10 times is that you have to suffer for it, as they are part of your squad.
2) See above -- ego and thirst drive some players, and thus they separate from their squad and play like its a solo deathmatch. OR they expect you to follow them around and be their meatshield/wingman in their (often futile) attempt to mow down as many people as they can as fast as they can, die, find a new game, rinse repeat.
I'm not sure what is so attractive about playing queue simulator, but to each his own.
3) Some guns have a random distribution when it comes to bullet spread. In other words, your sights can be perfectly on target, but due to the model of the gun, the bullet can randomly hit within (for example) a 2 inch radius. Sniper rifles and assault-type weapons have very high accuracy: where your sights are pointed is where the bullet is going. Sub-machine guns and pistols generally have a larger radius of "random."
In Apex Legends, which doesn't have a hugely sophisticated model of gun mechanics, I believe recoil kind of encompasses this concept. You can be pointing in the exact spot a target is standing, but your gun kicks first and shoots after (not all guns, but some certainly do; see L-Star). The process is simply too fast to perceive under normal conditions.
I believe this is why certain guns are very inaccurate at medium-long range and beyond. This is why the L-Star is a beast in close quarters, but falls off quickly at range.
4) Pray to the RNG gods.
5) You'll get shredded like a target dummy having a bad day if you stand around like one. Move your candy * like your life depends on it; often it does.