5 years ago
How come that...
...People almost always jump into busy areas? (and die, obviously) ...(my) People never stick together? (and die, obviously) ...My bullets pretty much always miss despite my crosshair being flextap...
@MandatoryIDtagI'd much prefer it to a Mozzy and the ability to peek a pop with it even in CQC makes it a solid all rounder although I agree if you can't land your shots or wanting to still use a sniper then any SMG/AR would generally be a much better choice.
Edit: If he keeps using it he'll get the experience. :P
I will try to overthink my weapon combination. Sniper is very much mandatory as my role in other games has always been a sniper, so I can work best with them. For secondary weapon, I will try to use something else. Anything that deals damage and still has good accuracy would be good. As I said, it's sometimes just frustrating to stand 5 feet in front of your enemy and still miss. It sometimes really just feels like the weapon fires in a circle around the enemy, leaving a shape of a body as body decals behind him. That's how it feels sometimes.
Meanwhile... I'm honestly thinking about my next hero choice. While not completely on topic, how easy/hard to play is Wattson?
@Peri_Longbow_plzR99, prowler and flatline <- using this more recently as it slaps both mid and CQC hipfire without needing to find as many attachments like a prowler.
As for Wattson, I'm far to aggressive for that playstyle so someone else will be much better suited to answer that.
@Peri_Longbow_plz Although it's been reclassified as an "AR" the G7 as a marksman rifle will still let you fulfill the sniper support role perfectly, the added benefit being you will need to stay slightly closer to your squad than you would with a sentinel or triple take for example.
Due to the g7's higher versatility at multiple ranges you could actually continue to run a hammybique as a secondary also.
I normally stick a 2x on my mozambique and a 3x on the g7 with this loadout, as when i reach the end circles and its 2-3 teams at CQC range i can just drop the 3x, switch the 2x to the g7 and just hipfire finish people with the bique as its actually brilliant for hipfiring.
Half the job of playing a sniper in apex is to still be able to stay within support range of your squad...so that versatility really is key. Lose your line of site as a sniper and you're useless...especially if you're 100m behind your squad.
Thanks, that's actually very helpful! I appreciate the assistance a lot and I will definitely make use of the advise given. I will report back once I made one or more good progresses, haha. :D
No worries, genuine questions make a genuinely refreshing change from the usual rants and nerf demands we see here. ;p
If you ever have anymore questions don't be shy just drop em in here!
The connection stats when you load the game are meaningless i can open with 55% packet loss according to it yet game plays fine, then another time it says 0% packet loss but i cant hit anything.