Forum Discussion
Not in my opinion, especially in pubs. You can always leave the match.
Then, it is a clash of playstyles. On the one hand you have competitive players who actively look for a team to fight. On the other you have the more casual players, who prefer to loot slowly and get everything right before taking on an opponent. You can very well have players on both ends of the spectrum, competitive vs casual with equal stats, but MM does not care much for stats, as higher priority is given to speed of starting a new match.
Anyways, what happens is that you have the more casual/passive players staying very defensive, and the more competitive players actively pushing the fight. The result is that part of the team is still looting, while another part of the team has already gotten 3 kills and pushing a new team, eventually bite off more than they could handle, and die (mostly because they are missing the other player(s) ). By the time the casual players notice what is going on, the competitive player has left for another match. Because all that matters to them is action
At times the opposite happens, when the casual/looting player gets jumped, and killed, so the competitive player(s) has to try to go back and help, but by the time they get there the casual player has left, or the competitive player gets in a 6 v 1 situation because the party who jumped the casual is now third partied, and the team dies.
So, the casual player takes it easy and likes to loot. The competitive player, has to care for loot, but action is all that matters. So you end up with team comps like the one you describe.
In addition, according to this article, MM is optimized for speed not for quality.
MY OPINION: it does not matter if you are a casual or a competitive player, just try and be a good team player. Compromise a bit your playstyle to accommodate, reasonably, with the more casual/competitive players in your team. If you are a w+key player, it is ok to be an entry fragger, just try to not leave too much of a gap with the casuals, because you will need someone who at least distracts opponents. And, if you are a casual and cannot keep up with more competitive players, just USE YOUR MIC, just say something that alerts the w+keyer that you are a mile back --and hope he listens.
Other than that, complaining about leavers in PUBS is POINTLESS.
I hope you would take a look at the following article.
Hope it helps.
- 4 years ago@Vdstrk But its not hard to ping where your going. If you want to run in Kamikaze, maybe at least ping. And if I dont have at least some armour and a full auto gun, I won't push fights until im ready.
To me its silly pushing without some sort of chance at winning, because no matter how good you are, if your pushing a good team with no armour (even white) and without a decent gun, its crazy.- 4 years ago
It is not about pinging. It is easy, sure, So is using a mic. The issue is the difference of play-styles, and not the minor details involveD in the game such as pinging. , but when looting takes up too long then it is a disadvantage.Look, casual or competitive, if you play along with your group you have a better experience. The problem starts when there is a wide disparity, say a level 500 with 5K hours in, who plays along with a level 10 and 4 hours in.
You may argue that 5k hours would make a person a pro, but it is not necessarily so. However, there are going to be noticeable differences.
Besides, at a certain level, blue armor vs purple makes a lot of difference, for example. In general it is easier to gear up from kills than looting the entire map.
- 4 years ago
@VdstrkWell the majority of my team mates are duos and stay together no matter what and I swear its like the first time they have played the game, but they are level 50-100, but still have no idea how to play.
I like going into fights, but not when my team mates just go in crazily with no tactics at all and die instantly and leave me 1v3 a enemy team. And if by some miracle I kill them all, my team mates constantly pinging and im trying to heal and loot before the next team comes in.
Let's make it clear, im not that good (only a 1.5kd player) and I try and play to suit my team mates which are mostly lucky to get 200 damage. So they nearly always run in with no plan, just crazy run in and die 90/100 times probably.
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