Apex Legends: FPS Drop, Memory Leak.
I've recently downloaded Apex Legends onto my PC. Note, my current PC may-not be up to most these days with the latest graphics cards, however. I run into currently zero issues with any-games besides this one. As soon as I start up the game and enter the Menu, my FPS take a huge tole, dropping dramatically. I've even gone to settings and put everything to the lowest possible. Entering training mode, I'm shocked to get anything higher than a mere 15 FPS, that's absolutely un-playable. I went to Task Manager and saw that there's a possible Memory-Leak for this game when started. Anyway to fix, please help.
Graphics Card: Nvidia GTX 1070
Ram: 16 GB
Intel i7
Try this Method, see if it works for you it might be a temporary fix however. Right-Click on your Desktop and click Nvidia Control Panel, go to Apex Legends and Edit your Game Settings through there.