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Account hacked then banned, I can still access it but the email was changed.
Hello I haven`t played the game for 2 years and when I tried to access it through my PlayStation account it said that my account was banned. I managed to log into it but my email address was changed by someone from South Korea (see attachment) and he also linked his steam account. (I only played the game on my PS4). I am confused about how I should proceed, if I recover my account will the ban be removed? And I have another problem, when I try to open a case and then look through my cases it says taht "You currently do not have any cases with us". I have access to my former email, the card that I used to buy the battle pass or any information that could prove that I am the original owner.3Views0likes1CommentUnjustified ban
I've been banned for allegedly cheating but I have been playing the game since its launch ! 24 Seasons, spent thousands of dollars and even purchased an heirloom before getting banned. Why would I cheat after 6 years just to perform poorly and die in Gold lobbies. Nothing adds up and on top of that, no details about the procedure nor any justification was given. I have never cheated in ANY video game and I despise cheaters, instead of banning ACTUAL cheaters you ban someone innocent. Do better EA. Your investigation was poorly done and you're not even coming up with a solution on this matter. I would even let someone go through my PC to prove my innocence.Luckyyuu2 hours agoNew Novice5Views0likes0CommentsIssues after Cross Progression is activated on your account? Check here first!
Hey Legends! If you're encountering any issues after Cross Progression has been enabled on your account, please let us know here! If you're encountering an issue, please let us know which platform(s) you play on, whether you had recently linked or unlinked an account, and which platform(s) content seems to be missing. Also please specify which platform was your main. You'll know your account has been migrated once you see a notification in-game similar to the ones below. Note that those who only have one platform linked will not see the second image as there wouldn't be anything to merge, though the account will still be converted to enable Cross Progression going forward. Cross Progression notification: Cross Progression merge notification: For general Cross Progression information, please see our guides below: A Quick Guide to Apex Legends Cross Progression Now that Cross Progression is here: what you need to know You can also join the discussion below if you have other questions or concerns about Cross Progression: Cross Progression Confirmed - Answer HQ ( hours agoCommunity Manager33KViews56likes1996Comments1 Player in Queue
So My Main Account got Hacked i got it back and that account also had a ban but it overturned but now everytime i try to get into a game it tells me 1 player in queue and i tryed getting help over via help chat but everything they told me to try didnt work so iam hoping that somebody here can help me my EA is the same as here rL3ON_19 also my email is bujupiluan69@gmail.comrL3ON_1917 hours agoNew Novice6Views0likes0CommentsI moved to pc from Xbox I want to play apex on my pc, but my rank is gone
I moved to pc from Xbox I want to play apex on my pc, i got them linked together but when I get into apex all my skins and stuff went over but not my rank, I'm back at rookie 4 and it says 23 days left till season ends I'm at gold 3 with my Xbox one but it took me 2 hours to get them to link but my name is different and my rank is different, how can i get my rank back to gold 3?FaceTimeMeBro18 hours agoNewcomer16Views0likes2Commentslinking issues
is there way to actually get help? im trying to link my steam to my EA account but when i do it says that there is already an account linked to my steam by an email that i dont reconize, which doesnt make sense cause i just created my steam account. i tried contact steam for help but they cant do anything with linked accounts and im just going in circles on the EA help websitetilley4evr19 hours agoNewcomer9Views0likes1CommentHow can I enable DX12?
Im currently playing with DX11 cause when I launch the game it says: DirectX Feature Level 12_0 is not supported by your graphics card (...) but when I open dxdiag it says DirectX version: DirectX 12 so I dont know whats the problem. My Integrated Graphics are in the Auto option in the UEFI please helpSolvedqueenredrose1719 hours agoRising Novice28Views0likes1CommentAnyone else’s damage badges are bugged?
EA_Mako Im new here but I want know what’s going on with damage badges there isn’t any word on them being disabled and everything I’ve seen from other post seems jumbled on a timeline. For example 2 days ago I decided to play Ash in pubs and I unlocked the 2k badge on her, then the next day I got my first 3k ever and the badges didn’t update at all. I’ve seen post of their people from before mines so it’s been a thing. Im assuming it’s a bug but I just want my badge. Please answer6Views0likes1CommentEvent progression stuck
For like 2 weeks now I've completed almost every daily challange and my progression is stuck on 3000 points, and didn't even get the event pack for reaching 3000.... Does anyone have any fixes or are the devs working on it? I really don't want to miss out on any of the rewards, but I should have completed it by now...CncrMark21 hours agoNewcomer6Views0likes1Commenthanging
starting from season 23, after a small update, my game began to freeze for about 10 seconds and this happens at any moment after that, my ping up sharply and my connection breaks, but if after that I start shooting at the enemy, then the bullet does not react. it's difficult to explain, so I'll attach a video.9Views0likes1CommentSWITCH版APEXが限界を迎えています
私はNINTENDO SWITCHでシーズン8からAPEXをプレイしています。今までたくさん調べた中でSWITCH版のAPEXがPCなど他のプラットフォームより性能面で劣っていることはわかっていましたが、シーズン19あたりを境にサーバーエラーやソフト自体の処理落ち、ゲーム中に画面が突然固まるなども不具合が多発しています。今までたくさんの処理落ちを経験しながら今シーズンまでプレイを続けてきました。ですが、今シーズンに入ると1日に必ず2回は処理落ちが起き、ゲームを始めてロビーに入る時ですら画面が固まって再起動を余儀なくされます。ランクマッチに入ろうとすると人数待機の画面で固まり再起動をするとロビーに戻され2倍のマイナスポイントと10分間の戦闘放棄ペナルティを毎回喰らいます。そんな環境でプレイするなと言う声もあるかもしれませんが前に実装されたクロスプログレッションは新しく作ったアカウントでは共有できず私のアカウントはこのプラットフォームに居続けることになります。こちらのプラットフォーム側の問題もあるかもしれませんが一応70ギガほど容量は空けてあります。EAはこのまま弱小プラットフォームになんの改善アップデートも入れずクロスプログレッションの難易度も下げずにひたすら性能差で他のプラットフォームに敗北し続けろと言うのでしょうか。処理落ちのペナルティ削除からでもいいので、NINTENDO SWICHのAPEXプレイヤーにも他のプラットフォームのAPEXプレイヤーと同じ待遇にするような改善アップデートを期待しています。SolvedOsushi_90523 hours agoNewcomer15Views0likes1CommentBlue and black lines
Every time I die, my screen gets blurry and covered with blue and black lines that go left and right. I'll be on the spectator tab and see everything with those lines, but if I go to any other tab it gets rid of everything except the view and the lineshappyness_inc2 days agoNewcomer23Views0likes2CommentsMissing 4,000 Damage Badge
I know this might sound like a record on repeat, but I’m so sick of this not being fixed yet. I had a game where I got 4,259 damage and did not receive my 4K badge. Other players are having the same issue with not receiving damage badges too. I have talked to multiple EA advisors on EA help and have been told that this would be fixed and I’d receive my badge, they said it should be fixed on the next update and would be addressed by respawn. It has now been 6 updates/patches and nothing has been addressed or fixed. This is absolutely ridiculous, I have played this game for years and yeah it has its hiccups but the fact that they aren’t addressing this is terrible, this could ruin the game for new players because what if they get enough damage and don’t receive their damage badges. It even ruins it for players who have played for awhile because if they have been grinding for a certain badge and don’t receive it what is even the point? This makes me not even want to play the game anymore and I’m sure others feel the same, I’m not playing until I receive my badge. Please fix this.Jon2was2892 days agoSeasoned Rookie27Views1like2CommentsApex Can’t See Cross Platform Friends
I am on Xbox One. And when I click “Invite Friends” while in the main lobby, I only see my Xbox friends and not my friends on other platforms (Yes they have me added back) I have crossplay enabled on my Xbox and also on Apex itself. This is a very annoying issue as it makes it hard to invite since they aren’t showing up 🙂 If anyone has any idea as to what’s happening I would appreciate it. I looked around and couldn’t find someone with this specific problem.31KViews17likes28Comments