Allego la conversazione che ho messo sull' answer hq Inglese:
Hi, friends!
So, I've got banned for unkown reason from Apex (when the mail comes i wasn't playing), but i can log into the lobby, buy cosmetics and enter in the firing range without returning to the menu with the message "Banned", but when i try to get into a game the game return me to the menu and display the message "ban".
I play this game since launch (couldn't play season 4-5-6 for a problem with my old 7950hd ), and i never try to hack or try to have a competitive unfair advantage to win fight, instead since the s8 i try to invest more time in the aim trainer to hit more shot (still missing a lot of 'em), watched a lot of pros to understand their thought (rotation, position, cover, when pick fights and when not); so i 'm very disappointed about this ban (i have alredy send a practice to the team, hope they reach out my request in some days).
I'm not a streamer, not a pro, not a smurf, not a boosted player, not a hacker; i consider myself an average player who loves this game and improve at it.
So i'm asking if anyone experienced this "ban" before, and had back the account; i leave some stat of my account, the proof i 've entered in the firing range and the empty page "My Ban History" from Ea site.
P.S: Sorry for my bad English
Se qualcuno ha avuto una esperienza simile potrebbe raccontarla? Grazie.