@x--Fusi--x Why don't they ban cheaters even if the stats are very obvious cheater stats or when players submit video evidence? Why don't fix the admin panel. Why won't they fix the emblems they broke at BFV launch. Why is this problem under "investigation" for two months without any result? The answer is simple. They successfully continue to sell new copies of BF1 without spending any budget on fixing issues. And the customers they "loose" have already spent their money so they are not really loosing anything.
Offcourse EA isn't behind the crashes but it is pretty obvious that they see no financial gain in helping the communities that kept the PC servers clean for all these years. Why save BF1 if you can sell BF6 copies more easily in a few months.
BF1 has had the Black Menu bug in EA Desktop since the first beta client. Years later and still not fixed. Why fix it if they have community managers that work for free that can simply say "use origin instead".
I posted evidence of multiple cheating evidence submissions to EA and I also showed that the cheater was still able to play months later. Reddit mods simply deleted the topic. Censorship is cheaper than actually fixing a problem.
Even this reply, as truthfull as it is, risks getting censored. I wish the DEVS loved their game as much as I do. But it's probably out of their control anyways. No budget = no fixes
Now why are some communities more impacted then others? The answer is simple. Clans that fight cheats the hardest are the most logical target. The more good communities they destroy, the more they can do whatever they want to mess with other players.