Forum Discussion
it's really frustrating cause you don't get any of your metal scraps and your battlepack progression as well as your level don't progress at all. But it's good to see that ti's under investigation
I love how in a game that is this old, we still have to rely on a dead micro-transaction system to get things we want in this game.
just make skins available. I don’t get it. Have an event or something I don’t care.
i don’t know how many years and times we have to go through this. Please just do something for the players for once.
- 2 years ago
what bothers me the most is that there is no way we can get all the items that was once winnable through community missions like those two melee weapons i need to complete codex entry
- 2 years ago
Guys I just got four battlepacks at once including one operations battlepack which corresponds to one ops campaign I played so far. Maybe it's fixed.
- 2 years ago
İt's fixed thanks EA
- HUN_gattaca_lg2 years agoSeasoned Ace
I got a basic battlepack (for 200 scraps) afterwards.
And I was only playing conquest gamemod during the glitch. - 2 years ago
@HUN_gattaca_lg It seems to me I got the packs I would have normally got, definitely no extra packs.
- HUN_gattaca_lg2 years agoSeasoned Ace
and I just haven't reached the second basic battlepack (for 200 scrap)
I think during the glitch, the battlepack calculation proceeded normally in the background...
thx for Ararebo in weekly scrap exchange, Dice
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