Forum Discussion
So basically, they admit that NOTHING is working, and all game is broken, and they still released it. Very cool, this is **bleep**ing pathetic,
NEVER-EVER-**bleep**ING-AGAIN, I buy anything from DICE.
- Anonymous12 years ago
I am playing Battlefield 4 on the Playstation 3. I recently beat the Campaign mode, obtained most of the Assignments for it, and decided to exit out of my game and turn off my Playstation. The next time I loaded the game up, which was the next day or so, all of my Campaign progress was lost.
However, I still have access to the multiplayer weapons you so gladly locked away on the Single Player Campaign. My Assignment progress, however, was completely lost.
My Playstation 3 is the Super Slim White 500 GB System, and BF4 is updated to 1.02.
- Anonymous12 years ago
The exact same thing is happeing to me. I am playing BF4 on PS3 and I'll play the single player campain for a couple hours then after turning off and coming back later all save progress is gone!!! it has happened several times. All of the multiplayer stuff works fine. Please fix.. i would love to play sinlge player.
- Anonymous12 years ago
A month later and this still isn't fixed. This is the worst bug I ever recall seeing in a game. You would think that fixing this extremely basic and expected function would be high on their priority list, but as far as I can tell they are just ignoring this problem.
- Anonymous12 years ago
really sucks , my campaign game was deleted and i cant connect even though i more than meet the requirements
EA you Suck
- Anonymous12 years ago
ME TOOOOOO......I am having the same issue, any idea on if ea is going to fix?I also have no sound on many servers and after every game it freezes..
- Anonymous12 years ago
What's frustrating is that yet again, the publisher continues to dictate release dates. Surely these crashes were detected in the beta right? Why release a game before it's ready?
I'm also a bit perturbed that I can't submit an official bug report somewhere, like Bugzilla or something. I have no idea where to post, if anyone is going to see it or what. Is Answer HQ the best place? or the Battlelog forum? or EA Support?
- Anonymous12 years ago
I can remember Beta being more stable than this.
- Anonymous12 years agoWoah. You mean people we're complaining about bug reporting in October and still no forum?
Crazy. - Anonymous11 years agoYeah i have the same issues on ps3
- Anonymous12 years ago
Hey Dice I cant believe i keep crashing right wen i have a good score, i was swearing alot after that!!!
Come on fix the dam thing!!! all those millions they make cant release a well developed game!!
I paid over 100.00 bucks!! for a game that crashes all the time!!
and yes i shoot guys with little bird 25mm and does nothing to players!!Dice I think you guys owe me a couple of battlepacks on the house!!!
Want to see them soon for my frustration, please and thank you will be looking for them!!
- 12 years ago
Blame EA (the publisher) not DICE (the developer). Publishers always rush releases of big games because they are greedy **bleep**s and we (the consumer) buys the games anyway. Believe me, DICe would want nothing more than postpone the game another six months or so, but contract obligations forced the mto release prematurely.
Same thign happened with Rome 2: Total War. Game was broken to hell on release, and its not until not that it is at a playable state. - Anonymous12 years ago
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