Forum Discussion
Thanks Ace , please do. meantime I'll keep tryin.
- 4 years ago
@fbsketcher wrote:Thanks Ace , please do. meantime I'll keep tryin.
Congrats guys,
With completing the Phantom Operative challenge last night !
Still a great venture to complete all the leading assignments and then celebrating with the epic tour in the elevator together down to the bow room!
- 4 years ago
after another 2 hours of trying on Whiteout waiting for someone to join in I finally got into a Hammerhead game . But my question is the final stand tags are they only on conquest large and hardcore ? This was a Normal setting game and I couldnt locate any tags and was the first to get to a location.
- 4 years ago@fbsketcher I believe it does have to be atleast on Conquest Large. Hardcore shouldn’t make a difference, but I’ll let you know if I can confirm that. I prefer Conquest Large anyways because more spawn locations = better odds of finding the tags. I saw something on Reddit that tags only spawn after 5-10 minutes have passed in the game, so remember that if you’re having trouble. Luckily tags also respawn in a different spot on the map if someone does find it, so no worries about that.
- 4 years ago
@fbsketcher wrote:after another 2 hours of trying on Whiteout waiting for someone to join in I finally got into a Hammerhead game . But my question is the final stand tags are they only on conquest large and hardcore ? This was a Normal setting game and I couldnt locate any tags and was the first to get to a location.
Hi @fbsketcher ,
The server just need to be Official or ranked, and with Final Stand maps…. And it must be a Conquest large map! 👍
Please also note, that the game play has to be live for approx 10 minutes minimum before the Phantom tag box spawns in. Turn up your sound and you will hear the ringing sound when it happens. Likewise, there is only one! So its not like there will be a tag box at each single tag spawn location on the map. Reason why you will need to travel quickly from one location to the next to find it where it may be.
And any gaming/battle activity at that location may break the tag box and it will simply disappear and not come back for the rest of that game round. Hence, a lot of patience is typically required…
- 4 years ago
Cyber, does this accurately portray the correct locations? its a video clip from youtube
- 4 years ago
@fbsketcher wrote:Cyber, does this accurately portray the correct locations? its a video clip from youtube
Hi @fbsketcher ,
That youtube video certainly shows 'correct locations' yes. But it only shows like one dog tag location for each Final Stand map. While in reality its a bit more complicated than that. The dog tag can spawn in at many many different locations, on each map. So aka on Final Stand just on the Whiteout map, I think you have the following number of potential dog tag locations:
Near the A flag: 3
Near the B flag: 6
Near the C flag: 5
Near the D flag: 9
Near the E flag: 3
Near the F flag: 3
So in total 29 different locations where it potentially can spawn in, just on the Whiteout map. So you need to go through and check one potential location to the next in your hunt for it on that single map alone.
Each of the Final Stand map have similar many many spawn locations for that tag box that you hunt for. Think you can find good instructive videos on YouTube that shows you more of these locations. I recall some on Reddit had gone through the work to make detailed maps, with each Final Stand map and their dog tag locations. Maybe that could help to check on these?
- 4 years ago
First thank you for the extensive reply!! I have found vids showing some more locations but still not a lot of maps . I did get into a white out map yesterday with 4 players but I couldnt find anything then for some reason the serve quit in the middle of the game . I got onto another whiteout this morning but 64 players and not a chance to spend time running around searching while getting shot every three seconds.
- 4 years ago
Hey Cyber, I did it !! got a tag from Hammerhead. Of course it was the last place I looked. Way out by rocks at base F . Now what?
- 4 years ago@fbsketcher Nice job! Hammerhead was a pain for me cause of the map’s brightness. I can assist with the elevator ride as I have the Operative tags, so now we’ll just need one more person for the ride and we should be good to go.
- 4 years ago
Excellent @fbsketcher ,
Suggest we connect direct in messaging then on PSN, as now we need to find a live Hangar21 server for the elevator ride!
Will check if we can get one of our old friends to join us or more here online would like to join in.
We can add all interested into the same PSN messenger group.
Make sure you already now have your soldier set up with the Phantom camo, also for both primary and secondary weapons.
And then get the tags equipped also.
- 4 years ago
I'll be online tomorrow between 8:30 -11 east coast time. MY game name is Redroom3 if we can get a Hangar game going , I'll wait near the elevator so if you are on the other team dont kill me.
- 4 years ago
fbsketcher, you need to enable PSN messaging please, as some communication/communication is required to succeed with this.
You appear to have all blocked for the moment.
Aka, which server we should meet on? ;o)
Suggest we take all communication on this now on the PSN messenger service going forward.
- 4 years ago
Hi Cyber
Yes, I never messaged anyone . was never my intent to use the PS4 for socializing just game playing. But will try to send you a message. I am on ps4 and will be playing shortly this moring. was in Hangar for 2 hours yesterday by myself. BY the way I dont have a mic either.
- 4 years ago
OK @fbsketcher ,
Be ready with your comrose then, to confirm or say 'negative' then when asking you questions or posing suggestions. ;o)
Or switch to the PSN messenger service during the event then and type a few words.
Will be an exciting elevator ride in any case.
- 4 years ago
"comrose" do you mean where I can click on " I need a ride" , "I need a medic" etc,.
Cyber where are you located ? In the U.K?
- 4 years ago
Be online in 30-45 minutes from now
- 4 years ago
Want to make plans for this Saturday/Sunday? Are you in the U.K? if so I think you are 5 hours ahead of us. So that may be around 1:00 pm your time
- 4 years ago
If anyone wants to join in with me for the elevator ride I will be playing tomorrow between 8:30 and 10:30 am east coast USA time. I have the Hammerhead final stand tag and the code .
- 4 years ago
almosst Cyber. Had 3 other guys show up but one wouldnt or couldnt equip phantom items needed.
- 4 years ago
Yeah @fbsketcher ,
* happens often when getting into that elevator with 3 other sweaty guys! :o)
And when the lights starts flickering as you descend and their heads blows up, like the folks in the Outland Jupiter space station movie w Sean Connery, when not having suited up the right way...
- 4 years ago
really!!!! Hope to see that happen.
Did you see the hint at BF6 when signing in to bf4? a short movie loads showing only static and background noise / voices that sounds like intercoms.
- 4 years ago
Yes happens like 40-50% of all the times when getting into the Hangar21 elevator and pressing the button to descend into the bow room.
Despite having asked everybody multiple time:
Are you sure that you have equipped your soldier with the Phantom camo?
Have you switched your weapon camo to Phantom, for both primary and secondary weapon?
Have you equipped your soldier with the Phantom dog tags?
Yes, yes and yes....
And then when the elevator closes and we start descending, the heads starts popping.
The light flickers in three periods of time.
Those not having all the pre-requisites are dying and vanish within seconds after each check zone.
Even if you as newbie have all correctly, we still need 4 Phantom tags still alive for you to make it down there. ;o)
- 4 years ago
Well i have the tag from Hammer head so my head wont blow . But I'd like to see it. Did you see the anouncement for the live feed of Battlefield 6 for tomorrow?
Perhaps we can get in that elevator this Sat or Sunday morning?
- 4 years ago
@fbsketcher wrote:Well i have the tag from Hammer head so my head wont blow . But I'd like to see it. Did you see the anouncement for the live feed of Battlefield 6 for tomorrow?
Perhaps we can get in that elevator this Sat or Sunday morning?
Yes @fbsketcher ,
You will actually be exterminated in the elevator if not having enough with full equipment joining you. And in total minimum 4 Phantom Operative tags. So you will not make it down alive alone, despite getting the elevator to move first.
Next Saturday or Sunday morning sound great !
Please send PM with more specific time, so we can make it happen.
- 4 years ago
how's 9 am east coast New York time should be 2 pm? your time. Either Sat or Sunday.
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