I know you folks at DICE have a burgeoning customer base in the console market, I get it.
but BATTLEFIELD is a passion for many many gamers out there, and has been since 1942. the physics, the flight dynamics, the sheer mastery of the flight skills involved.
joysticks were heralded, and the jockeys of the PC world were in some blissful heaven, every time the pirouetted an a apache in a spiral to come hovering over a helipad to repair. remember the desert combat mod? that was PC stick flight to the max!
I truly get why you are paying so much attention to the console market.. that's where the really big revenue is..
but your faithful, you devoted, and your most loyal of battlefield soldiers cut their teeth on mastering stick flight..
we created the community, we helped create the enterprise battlefield has become.
don't let us down now..
please implement joystick mapping.. it's really not that hard, and your biggest fans will love you for it.
then may even buy your *next* game..