7 months ago
Firestorm inventory abuse
Hello everyone! There are certain steps in Firestorm that give you the ability to make as many items in inventory as you like, over the limit. For example, you can make a 100 armor plates or a 100 V1...
Hello @danisoff,
thank you for the update, did you get any good feedback from the team for fixing this glitch?
Nothing much, except to report the players. The specific players I reported were banned after a few days. The game itself has ended its development cycle a long time ago, update are not to be expected.
Best regards,
Ok thanks, but they have to fix the glitch issue as soon as possible otherwise the firestorm is * up
Reporting won't solve anything, the whole community should be reported then, everyone knows how to abuse this. Even I wanted to learn how just so I could explain it better if asked by someone in charge. It's not hacks, it's a bug with dynamite.