Note: I contacted customer support and was unable to have this issue resolved. It was recommended that I post here.
I recently completed the assignment "ZH-29 Mastery V," but did not receive the follow-up assignment, "ZH-29 Mastery VI" (the one for the golden stock). I asked customer support to have the assignment added to my account. First, I was mistakenly given a weapon and "Recon Mastery II," then later given "Assault Mastery I" (I am not level 20 with assault yet, and should not even be able to access this one). In addition, I was given "ZH-29 Proficiency VI" which is different from the "Mastery" one. I asked if I could just be given the golden stock (since we were having issues getting the assignment); I was told that could not be done.
Basically, I've received a bunch of things that I didn't want (or shouldn't be able to access), and I cannot get the only thing I requested. Please advise.