Controlling the Mic in Dead Space 3 Co-Op
Currently trying to find a way to control the Voice Chat feature in Co-Op. I understand and verified with EA Support that no in game options are available to do this. I have been advised by EA that there is probably a setting somewhere in the ini files that can manipulate this feature. While I am digging for something such as that I figured I would ask Answer HQ to see if anyone else figured this out.
So the ultimate question is: Does anyone know how to control; turn on or off or just make Push to Talk and not 100% Passive the Voice Chat in Co-Op? This would be without muting the mic entirely for all of Windows.
Haven't found anything in terms of being able to change which input it uses, or setting up push to talk etc, but here's how to disable it. You'll need to do that every time you play, however.