13 years agoHow do I change Dead Space 3 language?
I got the game, but my Windows is in spanish because I'm from Costa Rica, but I SERIOUSLY HATE the translated game, the voice acting is just terrible... I got everything in english, the Origin Client...
- Anonymous12 years ago
I solved my problem of wanting the game in English (originally installed in Spanish).
So first I saw some posts about changing the "ConfigGDFBinaryPath" attribute in regedit to point to the proper language dll. But to my surprise my install only had one language dll: "GDFBinary_es_ES.dll".
This is what I did and it worked:
- On the Origin Client go to Origin>Application Settings>General>Interface>Origin Client Language.
- Change the value to whatever language you want (my case was Spanish and I needed it in English)
- Go to Origin Games folder in program files and rename "Dead Space 3" folder to "Dead Space 3BAK" (really shouldn't matter what u rename it to)
- Go back to Origin client (I didn't have to close it before renaming the folder) and notice the game now says "Download" instead of "Play"
- Hit Download on Dead Space 3 game (it will create a new "Dead Space 3" folder)
- Go to the game download dialogue and click on the Pause icon to stop the download
- Go back to the Origin Games folder and Move/Replace everything from your "Dead Space 3BAK" into the new "Dead Space 3" folder. (Don't copy-paste, that will take longer and hog more HDD space).
- Go back to the Origin download dialogue window and click on the download icon button. For me it took seconds to go from 0% to 100%. (I am not sure but I think it only downloaded one new file: "GDFBinary_en_US.dll"
- Play and enjoy game in English!!
Hope this helps! Sorry for long post. 🙂