@larsson2 wrote:
Still not working
Platform ps5
Error code 1195205062:S
On every sticker a try to add
Still heard nothing on a fix and has been weeks now
Still being watched. You realise that the fix will be from Codemasters. IDK what the situation is there but I would assume that updates to this game are all but toast.
F1 24 should be revised in scope, not having the story mode should allow them to focus on fixing gameplay bugs.
I don't have any issues with the compendium or Online Services connectivity, have always used the same Steam ID and the one EA identity. But it might be I just don't have the same amount of compendium progress as some of you.
So, in the hope that it does solve the issue can others consider posting the following;
Platform: XB/XB Series/PS4/PS5/GamePass/EA Play/PC/Steam/Epic/EA
Game Edition: Standard/Champions/DLC
Sticker(s): location in the compendium
Error message: (per platform)
Report Code: (found in the main menu ABCDE-FGHIJ-KLMNO-PQRST)
Whether or not you have other issues with Online Sevices connectivity
From the community side the information will be collected and collated.