2 years ago
Low quality (shadow) textures
Product: F1 23 Platform:PlayStation 5 Please specify your platform model. Sony PlayStation 5 Summarize your bug Some textures are very low resolution. Shadows and reflections are pixelated and fli...
Here another picture with the blurry shaddows/reflections highlighted
Hey there,
Thank you for the new pictures, I have updated the issue again. I will keep you updated as soon as I have more info.
@EA_Groguet wrote:Hey there,
Thank you for the new pictures, I have updated the issue again. I will keep you updated as soon as I have more info.
@EA_Groguet Will it finally be added to the list with Community Raised Issues too??
@EA_Groguet wrote:Hey there,
Thank you for the new pictures, I have updated the issue again. I will keep you updated as soon as I have more info.
Here is another picture. The low quality textures are best visible in overcast weather. It is constantly flickering